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subarudedude 2004-09-07 08:26 PM

new bad dude in town
word dogs. i just got an sti. how do we hook up. i just moved here from socal where i got banned from the streets for burning too much. is the scene here freaked out or not. i hear good thangs and bad thangs about thenornev scene

sperry 2004-09-07 08:57 PM

Well, the scene here is pretty much:

Street racing ricer punks with beat-ass Honda del sols whose shit talking volume is only surpassed by the buzz of their fart-cans.


Nationally recognized, intelligent motorsports enthusiasts with nice cars and thought out, purposeful mods that race in legal venues across Northern Nevada and Northern California; from the excellent Reno SCCA Solo1/Solo2 program, to track days, to the occational drags out at RFR or TopGun.

The two groups don't cross-over much, and by my post you should probably gleen that most the people on this board belong to the second group. :lol:

SECCS holds it's meets every Thurday at 7pm at the Meadwood Mall Bullys restaurant/bar. Check this thread for the latest info, and directions. Come on by and check us out! During the summer, we tend to get 15 to 20 cars out there... but since the summer is winding down, so it attendance. Just note that this club doesn't support street racing, but we do work very hard to help our members get involved in legal alternatives, so if you're just looking for a Thursday night race, we're not the people you're looking for. ;)

IheartSTI 2004-09-07 10:47 PM

this bring me back some old memories about the lake monster and his little "broham" or whatever slang he used for brother

sp00ln 2004-09-08 01:09 AM

If you like street racing and want to race some quick cars, PM me.

Libila 2004-09-08 08:28 AM

You got banned from the streets huh?

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-09-08 09:45 AM

Don't make me get out the "Type-R" avatar again...

I have very little patience with icy-hot street racing stunnaz.

MikeSTI 2004-09-08 10:15 AM

Re: new bad dude in town

Originally Posted by subarudedude
word dogs. i just got an sti. how do we hook up. i just moved here from socal where i got banned from the streets for burning too much. is the scene here freaked out or not. i hear good thangs and bad thangs about thenornev scene

I thought to get banned you had to leave in cuffs :lol: :lol: and didnt you know if you do get banned from LA you must go to Miami :lol: :P

sperry 2004-09-08 10:17 AM

Re: new bad dude in town

Originally Posted by MikeSTI

Originally Posted by subarudedude
word dogs. i just got an sti. how do we hook up. i just moved here from socal where i got banned from the streets for burning too much. is the scene here freaked out or not. i hear good thangs and bad thangs about thenornev scene

I thought to get banned you had to leave in cuffs :lol: :lol: and didnt you know if you do get banned from LA you must go to Miami :lol: :P

Naw man, they send your ass to run circle track in Barstow. *Then* the cops come and ask you to narc out and go to Miami.

We hongry!

MikeSTI 2004-09-08 11:07 AM

:lol: :lol: nice 8)

MattR 2004-09-08 12:00 PM

Re: new bad dude in town

Originally Posted by sperry

Originally Posted by MikeSTI

Originally Posted by subarudedude
word dogs. i just got an sti. how do we hook up. i just moved here from socal where i got banned from the streets for burning too much. is the scene here freaked out or not. i hear good thangs and bad thangs about thenornev scene

I thought to get banned you had to leave in cuffs :lol: :lol: and didnt you know if you do get banned from LA you must go to Miami :lol: :P

Naw man, they send your ass to run circle track in Barstow. *Then* the cops come and ask you to narc out and go to Miami.

We hongry!

Hahaha! Nice work...

JC 2004-09-08 12:37 PM

Re: new bad dude in town

Originally Posted by sperry
Naw man, they send your ass to run circle track in Barstow. *Then* the cops come and ask you to narc out and go to Miami.

We hongry!

It was a destruction derby man. :roll: And we ain't hungry no more.

subarudedude 2004-09-08 07:17 PM

na bros, the rice and the vice wouldnt duel with me no more. thye didnt like my ballz out attitude. once on the way to santa monica from lb i shoulder rode and kicked up a piece old tire on the specv behind me he was so redlined his crew had to hold him back when we made it to the endlot. he wouldnt pay up and none of those boys would lay out bills no more. my cousin romero up here said the scene is still fresh with no grudges. i just need a jobby job now.

Nick Koan 2004-09-08 07:34 PM

you sound totally crunk

sperry 2004-09-08 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by nKoan
you sound totally crunk

Even with all the slang, and lack of capital letters, at least he spells correctly, and uses periods. That's better than a lot of the jackholes that have been joining recently. :lol:

subarudedude 2004-09-08 07:42 PM

yo grammar school did me right. but its the exclamation mark thats outta sight!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i did misspell some words.

JC 2004-09-08 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by subarudedude
yo grammar school did me right. but its the exclamation mark thats outta sight!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i did misspell some words.

I remember school...

subarudedude 2004-09-08 07:56 PM

school is for the fool, but if you dont follow the rule youll be the fool. so stay in school and set the rule.

qksubi 2004-09-09 12:38 AM

I hope this guy is fuckin joking around :shock: :x

MattR 2004-09-09 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by qksubi
I hope this guy is fuckin joking around :shock: :x's been solved...

U53D 2004-09-09 06:12 AM

im gonna go out to stead to find this moron and give him a fresh one... :lol:

Ezdno 2005-11-10 07:50 AM

What did he say, the old folks need a translator!

Ezdno 2005-11-10 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by sperry
Even with all the slang, and lack of capital letters, at least he spells correctly, and uses periods. That's better than a lot of the jackholes that have been joining recently. :lol:

Hey I resemble that remark. <----note period

AtomicLabMonkey 2005-11-10 09:30 AM

Umm, this thread is over a year old...

dmentdwrx 2005-11-10 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by sperry
Even with all the slang, and lack of capital letters, at least he spells correctly, and uses periods. That's better than a lot of the jackholes that have been joining recently. :lol:

Awww C'mon now easy on the guy that was educted in Oakland!!
I Try!!

MattR 2005-11-10 10:56 AM

Hey,here's an idea....let's give the old threads a rest, especially completely idiotic ones like this. Yes, It's great that there are new people on the board, but we don't need to revive EVERY old thread do we?

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