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sperry 2004-10-11 04:10 PM

Paint job brainstorming
So, since the SVX needs quite a bit of paint to get back to "showroom" condition, and since the car's depreciated so much, changing the color won't really decrease the value, what color do you think I should get it painted?

Keep in mind the interior is light brown/beige leather. The SVXes did come w/ grey leather, so it might be possible to do an interior swap, but the chances of finding a complete grey interior that's as nice as the brown one I've got is so impossible, I'm just going to consider paint colors that look good w/ brown.

So far, I'm thinking the car would look cool in black, or a very dark grey (think storm clouds).


Here's the .PSD if you want to play yourself!

Nick Koan 2004-10-11 04:14 PM

I vote no on the green and yellow. Out of the rest, I can't really say which one I like the best. Probably the black, which is a little suprising as I've started to tend away from black cars as of late.

sperry 2004-10-11 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by nKoan
I vote no on the green and yellow. Out of the rest, I can't really say which one I like the best. Probably the black, which is a little suprising as I've started to tend away from black cars as of late.

Yes, the yellow and green are awful. :lol:

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-10-11 04:29 PM

Here's a good idea: Don't repaint the damn thing at all.

Money spent on a beater is money that could be better spent on going fast in your racecar. :P

sperry 2004-10-11 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey
Here's a good idea: Don't repaint the damn thing at all.

Money spent on a beater is money that could be better spent on going fast in your racecar. :P

Well, the SVX isn't a beater... it's actually a pretty nice car. :P Second, it's not like I'd paint the car unless I've got some expendable cash, and a hook up for a decent paint job for cheap. Third, this is more for fun than anything else, chances of me actually repainting the car are pretty slim.

THAWA 2004-10-11 05:31 PM

Please please please, unless you're going to take out the whole interior and powertrain and get it acid washed, dont repaint an svx. Especially not one that is Barcelona Red, one of the more beautiful colors.

qksubi 2004-10-11 07:10 PM

Just put flames on it :!: I know flat black :twisted: :P

Dean 2004-10-11 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by THAWA
Please please please, unless you're going to take out the whole interior and powertrain and get it acid washed, dont repaint an svx. Especially not one that is Barcelona Red, one of the more beautiful colors.


Kevin M 2004-10-11 07:30 PM

I like the WRB-ish blue. Or go with Sedona Red Pearl. :)

doubleurx 2004-10-11 07:37 PM

Check out ADT for the leather. You cand easily do a full custom interior any color choice for under $800.

Exterior: I've always been a fan of silver with red leather.

ScottyS 2004-10-11 07:53 PM

That grey color looks very nice... 8)

sti deede 2004-10-11 10:03 PM

Repaint it Barcelona red and tint the windows!

THAWA 2004-10-12 07:06 AM

a novel idea

sperry 2004-10-12 09:27 AM

Black and grey look pretty cool... although, I'll bet once I get mine all washed/polished/waxed, the red will look great too.

JC 2004-10-12 10:18 AM

three words ... cherry blossom red

MikeSTI 2004-10-12 10:39 AM

painting over red paint = bad idea :alien:

red is just one of those colors you cant just go over and it will always be there

THAWA 2004-10-12 12:51 PM

when i finally buy an svx it will be liquid silver sperry :) but yeah wash and wax itll look great, barcelona red is a beautiful color

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