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MattR 2004-12-16 03:00 PM

Take action against...
Look at this shitty email I got from the American Family whatever the fuck...
Hahahaha! TAKE ACTION ASSHOLES!!!! Whatever... WHy don;t these shit heads worry about something more important.

Please forward this to your family and friends!


FCC Chairman Powell sides with ABC on use of 'f' word
Dear Matt,

The children of America and those who love decency need your help.

FCC Chairman Michael Powell has asked that no action be taken against the ABC stations that aired over 20 uses of the "f" word and at least 12 "s" words during "Saving Private Ryan," which shown during prime time last month.

Powell's reason for taking no action opens the door for broadcasters to show any type programming. He believes there should be no action because the use of the profanity was part of an accurate representation of the events depicted, and this made them acceptable.

Using Powell's reasoning, a show about the sex life of two homosexuals would be free to show graphic sex because it would be an accurate representation of their sexual activity. There would be no limits regarding what could be shown and the law regarding indecent material would be meaningless. Any program, no matter how indecent, could claim that the material was needed in order to be an accurate representation.

If Powell can get only two other Commissioners to agree with him, then the networks and local broadcasters will be free to show anything. Everything they show, no matter how indecent, could be classified as being an accurate representation. That is what they have been wanting for years. Powell is only two votes away from giving the broadcasters their desire.

We realize it is important for families, especially our children, to recognize the sacrifices made by our loved ones during wartime. However, airing excessively profane language during prime-time television hours is not necessary to convey that sacrifice. We believe ABC should have aired their salute to heroes without violating broadcast decency laws.

The movie could have easily have been edited for TV, but ABC refused. Powell is now defending ABC's move, making it possible to open Pandora's box on program content.


Please send an email letter to your Representative and Senators. Ask them to personally tell Chairman Powell to enforce the law, not to destroy it.

Your email will go to your two U.S. Senators, your Representative, Chairman Powell and the other four FCC Commissioners.

Please send your email now. Then forward this to your friends and family.

Send Your Letter Now!
Thanks for caring.


Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

P.S. Please forward this email to family and friends.

It's Not Gay: This 28-minute video presents a story that few have heard, allowing former homosexuals the opportunity to tell their own story in their own words. Along with medical and mental health experts, these individuals express a clear warning that the sanitized version of homosexuality being presented to students is not the whole truth.

Spiritual Heritage Tours - Tours of Washington, D.C. and Mount Vernon with an emphasis on America's Christian heritage, led by AFA president Tim Wildmon and AFR general manager Marvin Sanders.

MattR 2004-12-16 03:04 PM

Sombody hack their site and litter it with gay porn please...

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-12-16 03:11 PM

Oh my god!!! There were at least twelve S-words!!?!!11!?! THE ENTIRE COUNTRY IS CLEARLY GOING TO HELL NOW UNLESS ABC AND THE FCC REPENT!!!

God forbid people see a realistic representation of war - maybe if more people saw movies like that, they wouldn't be so hasty to send our troops off to actual wars. If you don't want your kidlets to see how brutal it is, then change the goddamned channel.

These decency & values coalitions are fucking retarded as shit-on-a-stick.

sperry 2004-12-16 03:15 PM

I thought this had something to do with American Family Insurance.

What really bothers me is that this letter has a big problem with "over 20 uses of the "f" word and at least 12 "s" words" but doesn't even mention all the violence. That movie depicts a man getting shredded to bits by a 20mm anti-aircraft cannon! :shock: Never mind the chillingly realistic depiction of the landing at Normandy. Hell, this movie was so graphic and real that veterans had to walk out on it and seek counceling!

So, yeah, lets all get up in arms to protect our children from the words FUCK and SHIT. Also, let's make sure they never see a boob during the Super Bowl. Just as long as they get to watch people get shot to death, use drugs, and act like fucking retards on reality TV shows. :roll:

<-- Thinks TV should be unregulated (hell there's already nothing worth watching on it anymore), and welcomes the day that the Internet is used as our primary media instead of TV.

sperry 2004-12-16 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey
Oh my god!!! There were at least twelve S-words!!?!!11!?! THE ENTIRE COUNTRY IS CLEARLY GOING TO HELL NOW UNLESS ABC AND THE FCC REPENT!!!

God forbid people see a realistic representation of war - maybe if more people saw movies like that, they wouldn't be so hasty to send our troops off to actual wars. If you don't want your kidlets to see how brutal it is, then change the goddamned channel.

These decency & values coalitions are fucking retarded as shit-on-a-stick.

This thread's going pretty much exactly how I imagined it would. :lol:

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-12-16 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
This thread's going pretty much exactly how I imagined it would. :lol:

Hehe.. we're predictable. :lol:

MikeK 2004-12-16 03:23 PM

I will never understand how swearing and depictions of sex, which are normal things that people can be exposed to in everyday life, can possibly rate as worse than depictions of violence. Censorship in america is so hypocritical.

I was watching a rerun of some ancient movie the other night, and the word "damn" had been dubbed over with the word "dang" ... wtf??? Meanwhile people in the movie were being shot, basically in cold blood.

And whenever an activist group has the word "family" in its name it is usually a fruitcake fringe group that needs a shoe to its collective nuts.

MattR 2004-12-16 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey

Originally Posted by sperry
This thread's going pretty much exactly how I imagined it would. :lol:

Hehe.. we're predictable. :lol:

In a good way 8)

ScottyS 2004-12-16 03:26 PM

While I agree that the gov't should be enforcing its own laws and at least trying to uphold a moral society rather than encourage decadence, I have a much better suggestion for those who whine about media content as if they and their kids are somehow forced into acceptance:

/sucks in breath



Anyhow, if everyone in the whole wide world would agree to do the same with their computer, I be all over that too.

But no --- "petition your government" is the solution. That's why the government is huge, because people like that don't want responsibility! :evil:

There. I feel better now, even if they can't hear me.

sperry 2004-12-16 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by MikeK
I will never understand how swearing and depictions of sex, which are normal things that people can be exposed to in everyday life, can possibly rate as worse than depictions of violence. Censorship in america is so hypocritical.

I was watching a rerun of some ancient movie the other night, and the word "damn" had been dubbed over with the word "dang" ... wtf??? Meanwhile people in the movie were being shot, basically in cold blood.

And whenever an activist group has the word "family" in its name it is usually a fruitcake fringe group that needs a shoe to its collective nuts.

The US's "moral center" was founded by some highly Puritan people that must have had some real sexual hangups. So America doesn't do sex the way the rest of the world does. We don't have nudity, or explicit references to sex in the general media. We don't accept gay people, mostly because "gay sex is gross".

This why sex in advertizing works so well here... you give us a little of it and we go all crazy. Put some chicks in a hot tub and you sell millions of bottles of beer. It's also why the porn industry makes billions of dollars a year here.

On the other hand... out Puritan founders didn't seem to have a big problem with violence. So since we're all hung up on sex, we turn to violence in our media as more acceptable. :roll: Hell, look at kid's cartoons... they all depict violence as the main theme: super heros whupping the baddies, GI Joe blowing everything up (but the pilots always safely eject :roll:)... even the "funny" cartoons have Bugs Bunny beating the crap out of Elmer, and that was from 1940! Not to mention Pokemon and all the new crap that has kids not only learning violence, but also learning to be productive consumers. :roll: (I'm gonna run out of these :roll: guys in this post, I know it!)

I'm not saying we should stop these cartoons, and violence on TV. I'm just saying if parents would filter this material for our kids, as well as show them sex and swearing, etc, in moderation, we'd have better adjusted adults that understand the world better and are more accepting of other people once they grow up. The world's not a perfect place... the sooner kids learn how to cope the better off they'll be. At the same time, there's no reason to allow them to grow up so fixated on one thing, like violence or sex.

It's all about moderation.

MikeK 2004-12-16 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
The US's "moral center" was founded by some highly Puritan people that must have had some real sexual hangups. So America doesn't do sex the way the rest of the world does. We don't have nudity, or explicit references to sex in the general media. We don't accept gay people, mostly because "gay sex is gross".

Sex makes baby jeebus cry!

Kevin M 2004-12-16 03:48 PM

America... FUCK YEAH! :roll:

qksubi 2004-12-17 04:52 AM

What a Bunch of fuckn crying bitches that movie rocks fuck them :twisted:

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