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MikeSTI 2005-03-13 09:36 AM

ATE Brake Fluid
Hopefully the price wont change anytime soon as I'm not making any profit from this but just passing on a good brake fluid to friends that might not have time too wait or dont want to hassel with shopping for it. :D

This shipment was $204.40 = 20 bottles

$10.25 a bottle this round

What I have Here!!!!!!

2 - 200/gold

0- 200/blue

What needs to go out

1/1 - ScottyS

What needs to be ordered

I'm going on a trip to AZ. at the end of the month so I will place another order in the beginning of April for a case of both again............

I know everyone is pretty well setup so I think the next couple cases might last a little longer. :lol: [/code]

Dean 2005-03-13 10:23 AM

You coming into town today, or early this week? I could use the Blue by Tuesday. I'll come out and get it if not.

qksubi 2005-03-13 10:38 AM

I need 2 cans blue :D

Nick Koan 2005-03-13 11:49 AM

Cool. I don't need any now, but if you are always going to have some around that'll be pretty sweet.

tysonK 2005-03-13 12:15 PM

Wait till RaceWars Mike, you'll be able to sell it at a premium!

MikeSTI 2005-03-13 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by qksubi
I need 2 cans blue :D

will Thursday's meet work for you Eric?

qksubi 2005-03-13 07:27 PM

It might have to be sooner what is your schedule like this week I cant promise the meet I dont want to miss out I need some call me tommorow 8)

MikeSTI 2005-03-17 03:51 PM


for anyone that wants me to bring some fluid out to the meet :D

as soon as I sell 2 more blues I will probly order another case!!

MikeK 2005-03-17 03:53 PM

1 blue 2 gold! Thanks Mike.

MattR 2005-03-17 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by MikeSTI

for anyone that wants me to bring some fluid out to the meet :D

as soon as I sell 2 more blues I will probly order another case!!

Mike, I'll take two cans of Blue from You, I need to do my Brake Lines this weekend. thanks

ScottyS 2005-03-21 12:04 PM

Say Kevin (or anybody), how many bottles am I looking at for the complete flush when I swap in the WRX brakes? Should get one of these premium fluids from Mike, or just go with something stock? :?:

MattR 2005-03-21 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by ScottyS
Say Kevin (or anybody), how many bottles am I looking at for the complete flush when I swap in the WRX brakes? Should get one of these premium fluids from Mike, or just go with something stock? :?:

Unless you're doing some racing or really pounding on the brakes, I'd say save the $$$ and just use the Ford fluid. If you drive a lot of Mountain Highways and really heat up the brakes, the ATE would be fine.

You should be able to get by on one bottle of the ATE, but I would recommend buying two, one of each color, for future bleeding. That's what most of us have done.

ScottyS 2005-03-21 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by MattR

Originally Posted by ScottyS
Say Kevin (or anybody), how many bottles am I looking at for the complete flush when I swap in the WRX brakes? Should get one of these premium fluids from Mike, or just go with something stock? :?:

Unless you're doing some racing or really pounding on the brakes, I'd say save the $$$ and just use the Ford fluid. If you drive a lot of Mountain Highways and really heat up the brakes, the ATE would be fine.

You should be able to get by on one bottle of the ATE, but I would recommend buying two, one of each color, for future bleeding. That's what most of us have done.

Right on. I think I'll go with it then.

Mike, if you've got one of each left, put me down. I'll probably need to arrange to get it outside the meet, though. I'm hoping to get the brakes done in the next month.

MattR 2005-03-21 02:18 PM

Scotty, If you want Kevin or I can get it from Mike and hang on to it in town for you...Just a thought.

ScottyS 2005-03-21 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by MattR
Scotty, If you want Kevin or I can get it from Mike and hang on to it in town for you...Just a thought.

That would be cool, especially since I plan on "utilizing Kevin's extensive topical experience" when I swap the brakes out.

I can just Paypal Mike or mail him a check or something to keep it simple.

MikeSTI 2005-03-21 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by ScottyS

Originally Posted by MattR
Scotty, If you want Kevin or I can get it from Mike and hang on to it in town for you...Just a thought.

That would be cool, especially since I plan on "utilizing Kevin's extensive topical experience" when I swap the brakes out.

I can just Paypal Mike or mail him a check or something to keep it simple.

ok, I got you down for 1 of each.

we can work somthing out when it comes to getting me the money. I trust Matt and for that matter "most" everyone here to be good sports about making good on any debt :D . Its not like this is big time money here anyways :lol:

side note: I'm going to change the 1st post too just show what I have and when I can expect more to be in, so check it and if you need something and it doesnt look like I will have enough let me know :D

Kevin M 2005-03-21 02:53 PM

Scott, I would definitely go with the ATE stuff for your car. The Ford stuff, IMO, is strictly for racing and autocross when you're going to frequently leed and flush it. The ATE is great for just throwing in your car, beating on it once in a while, and not worrying about it much.

ScottyS 2005-03-23 11:21 AM

OK -- I sent Mike a PM re: payment arrangements.

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