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AtomicLabMonkey 2005-03-18 08:38 AM

George Lucas' view of Revenge of the Sith


Originally Posted by Self-centered money grubber who ruined the reincarnation of Star Wars
I describe it as a 'Titanic' in space. It's a real tearjerker, and it will be received in a way that none of us can expect.

Oh, this movie ought to be fantastic... :roll:

MattR 2005-03-18 08:39 AM

Sounds like they've finally succeeded at making SW a gushing chick flick...lovely.

Kevin M 2005-03-18 08:44 AM

I hate you George Lucas. I hate you so much.

Nick Koan 2005-03-18 08:55 AM

Wow. I hope Anakin says "I'm the king of the world" and then sketches a nude Natalie Portman.

You know, in a way, comparing SW3 with Titanic raises my expectations on this prequel quite a bit.

MikeK 2005-03-18 08:55 AM

Re: George Lucas' view of Revenge of the Sith

Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey


Originally Posted by Self-centered money grubber who ruined the reincarnation of Star Wars
I describe it as a 'Titanic' in space. It's a real tearjerker, and it will be received in a way that none of us can expect.

Oh, this movie ought to be fantastic... :roll:

I bet I know exactly how it will be received! :lol:

Kevin M 2005-03-18 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by nKoan
Wow. I hope Anakin says "I'm the king of the world" and then sketches a nude Natalie Portman.

You know, in a way, comparing SW3 with Titanic raises my expectations on this prequel quite a bit.

He's King of the Universe actually, and the movie can't suck if there's nude Natalie Portman. :lol:

Actually, I don't carehow sappy chick-flick the dialog gets; as long as there are some really badass Jedi fights, then I'll be satisifed with my $9 entertainment investment.

sperry 2005-03-18 09:40 AM

Apparently none of you have checked out any of the spoilers websites. Normally I avoid the rumor mill, but I was so jaded about the series anyway, I figured I'd look. Anyway, if the rumors are even half true, this movie is going to fucking rule. I'm actually expecting this to be next to Empire as the 2nd best Star Wars movie.

<flamesuit on>

Kevin M 2005-03-18 09:47 AM

Until Austin posted that little nugget from GL, I felt the same. I figured a lot of people are gonna die (badly too, probably) and at the end it's gonna be freakin' depressing as hell, like empire x 10. If it does actually happen (and I get my Jedi-on-Jedi violence :P ) I'll be a happy camper.

AtomicLabMonkey 2005-03-18 10:04 AM

My guess is the story might be pretty good. I mean hell, the story from the first two wasn't half-bad either, but they were delivered with extremely unconvincing CGI, craptastic stilted acting and general lifelessness. I don't expect the delivery on this one to be much different. Fuck Lucas. :evil:

ScottyS 2005-03-18 12:11 PM

Makes my boycott of the prequels even more justifiable.

Weasel 22 2005-03-18 01:52 PM

the general concensus is that hopefully it wont be a blood fest without an entriguing storyline..there are many final battles in this one:
Anakin vs Obi Wan
Anakin vs Everyone
Anakin vs Count Dooku
Obi Wan vs Gen Grievous
Sidious vs Mace Windu
Sidious vs Yoda
in no particular order.....

..oh jesus im sounding like a SW fanatic...any Trek conventions in town this week? :lol:

MikeK 2005-03-18 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Weasel 22
the general concensus is that hopefully it wont be a blood fest without an entriguing storyline..there are many final battles in this one:
Anakin vs Obi Wan
Anakin vs Everyone
Anakin vs Count Dooku
Obi Wan vs Gen Grievous
Sidious vs Mace Windu
Sidious vs Yoda
in no particular order.....

..oh jesus im sounding like a SW fanatic...any Trek conventions in town this week? :lol:

Everyone vs JarJar

Nick Koan 2005-03-18 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by MikeK

Originally Posted by Weasel 22
the general concensus is that hopefully it wont be a blood fest without an entriguing storyline..there are many final battles in this one:
Anakin vs Obi Wan
Anakin vs Everyone
Anakin vs Count Dooku
Obi Wan vs Gen Grievous
Sidious vs Mace Windu
Sidious vs Yoda
in no particular order.....

..oh jesus im sounding like a SW fanatic...any Trek conventions in town this week? :lol:

Everyone vs JarJar

We should give Jar Jar a figthing chance.

Lets get some ewoks to fight along side him.

AtomicLabMonkey 2005-03-18 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by nKoan
We should give Jar Jar a figthing chance.

Lets get some ewoks to fight along side him.

The Ewoks would just capture Jar-Jar in a big net and roast him over an open fire for dinner.

Weasel 22 2005-03-18 03:50 PM

Star Wars the franchise itself would benefit from the elimination of the Ewoks and Gungans in general..rid it of the cutesy kids stuff..look how minor Jar Jar became in the last installment..Lucas is getting wise :roll:

tysonK 2005-03-20 09:17 PM

that sure is flashy trailer.

best looking episode trailer so far. :lol:

Kevin M 2005-03-20 09:20 PM


tysonK 2005-03-20 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS


sperry 2005-03-20 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK

Originally Posted by BAN SUVS


Like I said... I fully expect this movie to rule. :)

Kevin M 2005-03-20 09:53 PM

Okay, all the Anakin/Padme mushy love story titanic-wannabe crap can't stop this from not sucking. I clearly am getting my violence and darkness. :)

Kevin M 2005-03-20 09:57 PM

Opening day is a thursday- anybody else interested in a post-meet showing?

tysonK 2005-03-20 10:28 PM

Just remember Lucas can drag out a "love" scene pretty long.

The trailer looks a bit "jumpy" That's a lot of locations for action scenes. I fear the few and far between syndrome. I would hate to see padme crying for 15 minutes to every 1 minute of end all jedi killing.

I guess we will see.

MattR 2005-03-20 10:29 PM

Wait, what is this all about?

Weasel 22 2005-03-20 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
Opening day is a thursday- anybody else interested in a post-meet showing?

I'd be in

Kevin M 2005-03-20 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK
I would hate to see padme crying for 15 minutes to every 1 minute of end all jedi killing.

If it's 5 minutes of ass beatings and 75 minutes of crying, yes. But if it's 30 minutes of ass beatings and a whole crapload of crying, I'd be cool with that. :)

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