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dayofpain 2005-06-15 03:08 PM

Gauging interest...
In my old Sti spoiler and Stock 05 springs...

They will be retired very soon and want to know if anyone local wants em.


JonnydaJibba 2005-06-15 08:49 PM

How old is the 'old' STi spoiler?

SlickNick112 2005-06-15 08:52 PM

With the change in suspension on the '05's, makes those spring obsolete for my99 huh?

dayofpain 2005-06-15 08:55 PM

the change in suspension is to spec C stuffs. youd prolly need to hunt down some second hand stock struts as well to make it a good combo.

the "old" sti spoiler has a whole 7500 miles on it. not one single scratch or nic. its the stock one on my 05 currently but ill be changing soon to enhance the ricer in me.

BOO 2005-06-16 08:33 AM

Go Speed Ricer !! Go Speed Ricer !!! Go Speed Ricer .. GO !!!! .. lol

Man if you can do it why not ;)
Cause you know there is a little bit of ricer in all of us ;) .. lol

JoelK 2005-06-17 02:57 PM

What color is the spoiler? Rough asking price?

dayofpain 2005-06-17 04:24 PM

dont know about price, just kinda getting an idea of if someone wants it, if someone does, ill work it out to make them happy.

its java black

JoelK 2005-06-17 09:15 PM

My car is also Java black. I would be interested in the spoiler.

Kevin M 2005-06-17 10:19 PM

You guys should pretty much do a trunk swap. Putting the spoiler itself on a stock bare trunk is a huge PITA. Plus you need the stronger springs with it on or it won't stay open by itself.

tysonK 2005-06-18 02:53 PM

Are you going wingless Phil. I think you said something about ordering a different wing?

I like the Syms one.

dayofpain 2005-06-20 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by JoelK
My car is also Java black. I would be interested in the spoiler.

okies ill keep you postered once i get my new one. should be about a month.

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