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sti deede 2005-06-22 11:28 AM

I'm outtie.
This time it is for reals. I'm transfering to the Sacramento office. I'll be out of Reno between this weekend and next weekend. Just have to find out my exact final date. Could be this friday, next thursday or next friday. I'm negotiating with my bosses right now.
Thanks everyone for all the support, you guys are my best friends. I'll be up visiting all the time, so you still get more than your fill of my randomness. :D

MikeSTI 2005-06-22 11:30 AM

Congrats on the new job!!!!!! :banana:

Nick Koan 2005-06-22 11:34 AM

yeah, congrats.

JC 2005-06-22 11:35 AM

Awesome, congrats! Are you doing the same job just in Sac or something different? Where you living?

MikeK 2005-06-22 11:55 AM

Wow, they finally decided! Congratulations Deede!

doubleurx 2005-06-22 11:58 AM

Congratulations Deede. Sac is a fun place, a tad hot, but fun nonetheless.

Where are you going to live? - downtown would be my choice.

AtomicLabMonkey 2005-06-22 12:10 PM

Good luck and congrats Deede, hope it works out well! :)

sti deede 2005-06-22 12:16 PM

It's a Straight transfer of position = job captain, argghhhhh!
I'm looking at places in Natomas and Midtown (which is close to the office).

Contacted 13 differant people for housing. Waiting for responses.

Dean 2005-06-22 12:31 PM

Good luck on the job and school. I'm sure we will still run into you now and again.

ScottyS 2005-06-22 01:14 PM

Wow. The SRIC draws another into the center of the IClub universe. J/K Deede --- hope you like the new arrangements!

sti deede 2005-06-22 01:20 PM

Thanks everyone. I'm very excited. Everyone at the office here is not so happy to let me go though.

bruspeed 2005-06-22 04:19 PM

Well, Good luck in your new venture Deede, I hope you get settled right in over there!

tysonK 2005-06-22 05:44 PM

Rock on Deeeeede!

Change is usally a good thing.

LetItRev 2005-06-22 08:07 PM

Congrats Deede!

I'll miss you.

MattR 2005-06-22 11:07 PM

Way to go, it will be a good deal for you I'm sure....We'll still see you once in a while I'm sure.

sperry 2005-06-23 08:53 AM

Congrats on getting the ... uh, same job you already had! :lol: I'm sure we'll all see you frequently... at least I will since it seems like I'm in Sac 3 times a week for my car. :lol:

sti deede 2005-06-23 09:14 AM

I found out today that I'm starting there July 5th. My last (regular) meet will be Thursday June 30th.

Nick Koan 2005-06-23 09:16 AM

Congrats on starting your new job 2 weeks ago! (oy, the smart ass in me can't help it)

Seriously, though, congrats. Are you done with the Reno office on July 1st then?

soggynoodles 2005-06-23 09:59 AM

bye bye deede. Come back to Reno when you get a chance..wait..
I'm not in Reno. :lol:

sti deede 2005-06-27 09:14 AM

Found my new place downtown. I'm in Midtown on I st. in between 22nd @ 23rd. It's a really cool neighborhood. I'm 1.8 miles from work. I even picked a new bike to ride to work. It's one of those goofy crusiers with the giant seat. It's almost WRB only satin finish.:D

My place is a 2 bedrm condo with 1.5 bath. I have a japanese maple tree right outside my window. My roommate is a 45-50 lady, she's pretty cool. Goofy just like me. I move in this weekend.

MikeK 2005-06-27 11:14 AM

Nice find! Especially so close to your work

soggynoodles 2005-06-27 02:20 PM

Very nice Deede.
Congrats :)

DZ 2005-06-29 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by sti deede
My roommate is a 45-50 lady, she's pretty cool. Goofy just like me.

I doubt this will last. She probably saw that you drive a Subaru and was thinking "Score, I am going to hook up with a lesbo half my age..."

sti deede 2005-06-29 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by sti deede
My roommate is a 45-50 lady, she's pretty cool. Goofy just like me. QUOTE]
I doubt this will last. She probably saw that you drive a Subaru and was thinking "Score, I am going to hook up with a lesbo half my age..."

Ouch. See this proves how oblivious I am. Gaahhhh!

soggynoodles 2005-06-30 12:11 PM

Hot lesbos are cool. :)

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