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cody 2005-10-28 03:48 PM

Disposal of Fluid
I'm downtown Reno. Where's the closest place to dispose of brake fluid? Also, will the OEM fluid eat away a PET plastic bottle (think 2L soda bottle)?

Also, anybody near me have a 10mm flare wrench they want to lend me tomorrow morning? I could pick it up tonight if it's close.

sperry 2005-10-28 03:57 PM

I've got about 3 gallons of used brake fluid (in emptied window washer fluid bottles) at my house since I don't know where to get rid of it either... Kragen wouldn't take it with my oil.

Are you doing SS brake lines? A line wrench doesn't help... those bastards are on too tight... get a vice-grip and do your best not to strip the nuts. So far, I've yet to do lines on a car w/o at least one messed up nut.

cody 2005-10-28 03:58 PM

Yah, I'm doing SS lines. I was made to understand that a flare wrench was my only hope to not stip the nuts.

cody 2005-10-28 03:59 PM

I recently learned the hard way that you shouldn't store used motor oil in an old milk gallon jug. :mad:

sperry 2005-10-28 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by cody
Yah, I'm doing SS lines. I was made to understand that a flare wrench was my only hope to not stip the nuts.

A vice-grip is the only way to prevent stripping the nuts... but you will marr them a bit due to the teeth on the wrench, unless someone makes a non-toothed vice-grip...

I store used oil in the container my new oil came in. I try to buy the 5 qt. Walmart jugs to avoid having to fill up lots of little bottles.

cody 2005-10-28 04:06 PM

Yah, I use the same jugs normally, but I ran short.

Thanks for the advice on the vice grips.

tysonK 2005-10-28 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
So far, I've yet to do lines on a car w/o at least one messed up nut.

That is the fucking truth, I was ultra careful and still messed one up.

cody 2005-10-28 04:10 PM

Tyson, did you use a line/flare wrench? I'm thinking of just buying a Craftsman after work.

sperry 2005-10-28 04:17 PM

You know what might work... toss the line-wrench on there, then clamp the vice-grips down over it to put some tension on it. That might be a way to break 'em loose w/o damaging anything, even if it'll be a little awkward to do.

cody 2005-10-28 04:26 PM

That would be tough I bet, but I'll try it. Is there a higher quality brand available tonight than Craftsman?

sperry 2005-10-28 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by cody
That would be tough I bet, but I'll try it. Is there a higher quality brand available tonight than Craftsman?

Snap-on... but a line wrench is probably $30 instead of $2.95 for a Craftsman. :lol:

cody 2005-10-28 04:52 PM

Damn, that sucks. I wish I could borrow one.

Kevin M 2005-10-28 05:27 PM

Get a line wrench, it's still better than a standard open wrench... but you'll almost certainly still need a small vice grips for at least one. It always happens. Also I've got a couple spare 5 qt jugs if you want one. Just PM me for directions. Hell, the garage is empty right now. If you want to give me a hand with a couple things you can even do the lines here if you want after stopping by Sears.

Dean 2005-10-28 05:47 PM

I have done 4 sets of brake lines with my Harbor Freight line wrenches and never mangled a nut. Get Metric, and english and find the right size!! Use a mallet/dead blow hammer so it is impacting instead of torqueing. Use the right tools, correctly, and it will be fine.

cody 2005-10-28 08:01 PM

I just got home from Sears...nineteen dollars and change later for a tiny little wrench. :mad:

Oh well, at least I have one now...if anybody ever needs to borrow it let me know.

Dean 2005-10-29 07:18 AM

Damn, you could have gotten full SAE and Metric sets for $17 total at Harbor Freight, but at least you have it. Now just don't lean on them, and make sure you are going the right direction. For some reason flare nuts are easy to go backwards on when hey are tight.

dmentdwrx 2005-10-29 09:26 AM

Is it worth it to put on the ss brake lines to stiffen up my brake pedals??

cody 2005-10-29 10:16 AM

Depends...some people say it's not that big of a difference, but most people that perform the notorious pads, lines, and fluid, say it was the best $250 ($20 wrench not included :P ) they ever spent. My fluid is only 6 months old with no serious brake abuse, so I'll let you know if the SS lines and pads make a huge difference....probably tonight after Kevin and I finish up.

dmentdwrx 2005-10-29 10:19 AM

20.00 wrench awww C'mon let a fella use urs... Ill give you a free haircut!!!

cody 2005-10-29 10:21 AM

Sure man, I'll even help you do it, but I have no garage. I do most mods with my car up on jackstands on the slanted sidewalk in front of my house.

dmentdwrx 2005-10-29 10:23 AM

You and me both since I got divorced and sold my house with a 3 car garage(sigh) But i built my 50 ford (yeah I like old cars too)

cody 2005-10-29 11:22 AM

Owning a Ford and enjoying mechanical work goes hand in hand. :P

So nobody knows of a legit disposal site for brake fluid. I'll call waste management on Monday I guess.

Vwflat4driver 2005-10-29 05:24 PM

I'd be nervous using anything less then a craftsman flare wrench! the metals used on the cheapy brands are inferior and not worth the time really! Ive seen the cheapy version actually break because of that!

Dean 2005-10-29 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Vwflat4driver
I'd be nervous using anything less then a craftsman flare wrench! the metals used on the cheapy brands are inferior and not worth the time really! Ive seen the cheapy version actually break because of that!

If your livelyhood depends on your tools, I would agree, Snap-On, Craftsman, or other 1st tier brand, but for something you use once in a while, Harbor freight works for me.

My primary sockets, open end/box wrenches, etc. are Craftsman, but most other low use and "mobile/track" tools are HF, and therby expendible...

P.S. My Craftsman 3/8" ratchet has failed/broken 3 times, but my $5 42 piece socket set no name ratchet refuses to die...

cody 2005-10-29 11:20 PM

Welp, all done. Big thanks to Kevin (BANSUVS) for helping me out. The difference in pedal feel is barely noticeable so far. But I'm stoked to have a more fade resistant setup...especially considering the upcoming RFR trackday, Nov. 12th.

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