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New Games Thread
So, I know we have a few gamers out here, and I'm bored, so I'm going to start a new thread on video games.
Stuff I picked up recently: Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. Very simple beatemup platformer, but also quite entertaining. My thumbs hurt, and I think I'm almost done after only a little bit of playing. But, it really brings me back to my MKII roots (which was the last and only MK I seriously got in to). I was also basically looking for a game where I got to mash buttons and beat shit up and have it look cool without much brain involvement. For that, it was perfect. F.E.A.R. Pretty damn cool FPS. So far I really like the single player, haven't tried multiplayer. My main gripe, though, is that I have a widescreen monitor, and it doesn't have my native resolution supported. Oh well. Nice and creepy. You know, a military style shooter where there is a creepy little possesed girl that haunts you. Burnout Revenge: Very unrealistic driving, but so what, its fun. Crashing, racing, blowing stuff up. Man, I'm sensing a theme in my recent game purchase. No thinking, just blow shit up. |
Here's my review of those games, from the perspective of a housemate to the guy that plays 'em:
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. Hiyah!! Hiyah!! Oooh!.... Hiyah!! Oooh!..... Hiyah!! Hiyah!! Oooh! <cut scene music> Hiyah!! Oooh!.... Hiyah!! Oooh!..... F.E.A.R. "Dude, that looks like the original half-life at 1280x960." Burnout Revenge: ...wait, so the crowd cheers when you crash into stuff? That's pretty fucked up. ...lemme borrow it when you're done, okay? |
Howabout Call of Duty 2? I have it on PC, its takes up far too much of my time.
Star Wars Battlefront 2, Shadow of the Colossus, and Castlevania: Curse of Darkness are my recent picks.
I also have Fable: The Lost Chapters, Jak X Combat Racing, We Love Katamari, and Soul Calibur 3 sitting stacked on my console stand, waiting to be played more. November is "ambivalence month." I dig having new games to play, but I really wish publishers would save a few of them for the slower months of the year instead of dumping them all on us right before Thanksgiving. I also just found that Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion may be delayed until spring, so while I'm seething at being denied what was to be my most anticipated holiday title, I'm glad that I may now be able to skip dropping $400 on the Xbox 360 right away. I don't want one without Oblivion. :mad: |
OOh, how is Shadow of the Colossus?
I also just heard about the Oblivion thing too :mad: I think I'll wait a little for an 360 now. |
Shadow of the Colossus rocks. I just finished my first play-through on normal mode the other day, and I'm working on hard mode and the time attack levels to unlock some extra stuff. The overworld is quite unique - their artists created genuinely breathtaking landscapes, with sweeping plains, windy deserts, dark forests, towering seaside cliffs, and lots of nooks and crannies to explore. The Colossi themselves are a blast to combat. Some are big and slow, others are smaller and quicker, and there are a couple of airborne types that take you for crazy roller coaster rides.
The ending kinda twists your mind, too. I found it to be well worth playing. |
I think the game is designed to look a bit washed out. The final version has a decent gamma control, but a good chunk of the game is just kind of misty throughout. The final version also has proper 480p and 16:9 support, as well as improved draw-distance, LOD blending, texture clarity, and general detail over the demo, so it is capable of looking comparably attractive for a PS2 title. Since the PS2 blows at bilinear filtering and mipmapping, though, it still sometimes becomes a big shimmering mess. Ultimately, I was fairly impressed by the way it looked on my 32" HD.
On a game related note, a guy at work forwarded this link to me:
http://hlcomic.com/view.php?date=2005-05-01 A satirical comic based on Half Life 2 |
"Quick question. Explosive Barrels, should we cluster around them?" "Excelent question. Yes, yes and yes" |
The guy is constantly working on it, make sure you check back!
The CS scenes are so true it is scary :lol: |
FEAR is coming to the 360 :) That's the only 360 game I think I'm looking forward to. The gaming horizon seems very bleek.
It's not so bad. . .
let's take a look at my wish list (that I probably won't be able to afford). . . September: Okami (PS2), Valkyrie Profile 2 (PS2), Loco Roco (PSP) October: Splinter Cell (X360), Children of Mana (DS) November: Metroid Prime 3 (Wii), Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii), Forza Motorsport 2 (X360), FEAR (X360) December: Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (PSP), Super Paper Mario (GCN), Castlevania SotN (XBLA) And of course God of War 2 (PS2), Bioshock (X360), Mass Effect (X360), Assassin's Creed (X360 or PS3), and Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3) next year. . . There is a good amount of stuff due for the 360 this year. The first year is always slow for a new console. It was the same (worse, even) for the Xbox, GCN, and PS2. So far the 360 has had a pretty strong lineup. |
Oh, and Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 in November. :D
So the Wiizy (pronounced weezy) is really really coming out in November?
Hmm, and here I've been wasting all my time on Titan Quest (PC) and Sudoku (DS). I haven't been keeping up lately, actually, so I don't really know whats coming out soon.
I am looking forward to Mass Effect though. Even though I don't yet have a 360, I'm thinking of getting one if that game is any good. |
We'll see. Forza was alright I guess, but I didn't play a lot of it. Besides, Forza 2 just got delayed from what I'm seeing, probably not till 2007.
These days I'm usually quite pleased when an anticipated game gets delayed a bit. There are often too many to buy at once.
I still don't have a 360, so.. no Oblivion for me.
And I'm not playing it on PC, unfortunately.. |
Oblivion is a silly game. Neat, but I just can't play it.
Also, Jerimiah, is the release date for Forza still November? Or is it gonna be pushed back as Nick has stated? I hope not... |
Yeah, here is my source, from another forum I read (but don't post on a lot)
Till '07 according to the offical Forza forums. (Link to forum announcement) Oblivion is kinda fun, but I got bored. But its one of those games you need to spend a ton of time in, and I just don't want to get sucked in again. |
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