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sperry 2005-11-20 09:33 AM

Hey Cody...

Oops? :lol:

Nick Koan 2005-11-20 09:56 AM


Dean 2005-11-20 10:10 AM

If I count correctly , that is about a 485 degree spin. That is some scarry $4!+

I'm glad Cody and the car are OK, but this is my issue with RFR. Turn 1-4 are to fast. If Cody had had a blow out, cought a rim, hit a small "pot hole" in the dirt, or possibly turned the wheels significantly, this could have been much worse for the car, and for Cory.

This is also why I think it is unconsionable to put novices on the track without an experienced instructor in the right seat.

tysonK 2005-11-20 10:20 AM

Who took the pics?

I think you should make one of those your avatar.

MattR 2005-11-20 10:33 AM

Dave D told me who took the pics, but I can't remember who it was. The guy was a semi-professional photographer who was there with a racer. He took some great shots.

Man, Cody's spin was evil...Seeing it from the flag stand was a good view, but he did awesome to catch the spin on camera!

tysonK 2005-11-20 11:49 AM

Yah the pictures are awesome.

Nick Koan 2005-11-20 11:56 AM

The rest of the pics are up in the gallery. 300 or so from all sessions.

Some neat shots of my car too :D

doubleurx 2005-11-20 12:11 PM

Yikes! Awesome pics. Third from the top lools awesome.

cody 2005-11-20 04:17 PM

Wow, those pics are amazing. :eek:

I love the one where you can only make out my side mirror but other than that it just looks like a gigantic dust cloud. :lol:

As I said before, I feel very fotunate with the outcome of that spin. Most importantly nobody got hurt and only my car was involved thankfully. It was a good lesson for sure.

Also, as Dean pointed out, an instructor would have been nice for the first two sessions instead of the last two.

I certainly will make one my Av, but I need to go change my oil real quick.

doubleurx 2005-11-20 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by cody
Wow, those pics are amazing. :eek:

I love the one where you can only make out my side mirror but other than that it just looks like a gigantic dust cloud. :lol:

As I said before, I feel very fotunate with the outcome of that spin. Most importantly nobody got hurt and only my car was involved thankfully. It was a good lesson for sure.

Also, as Dean pointed out, an instructor would have been nice for the first two sessions instead of the last two.

I certainly will make one my Av, but I need to go change my oil real quick.

All things being spin at turns 5 & 6 was with an instructor.............teh whole time saying 0000000000S4IT!!!!!!!!

cody 2005-11-20 07:42 PM

My first instructor, Skip, was awesome. He was the guy driving the old TVR. He seemed to be having as much fun as I, all the while giving me input and pointing at cones and everything. I learned a lot about the racetrack from him.

I forget the 2nd gentleman's name, but he was helpful as well, but he seemed uncomfortable with the amount of drifting I was doing. :oops:

cody 2005-11-20 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by nKoan
The rest of the pics are up in the gallery. 300 or so from all sessions.

Some neat shots of my car too :D

Those are great pics. Props to whoever the photographer was.

I want to see Matt's in car footage. :eek:

cody 2005-11-20 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
If I count correctly , that is about a 485 degree spin

I think it looks like about 45 degrees past 1.5 turns...585 degrees, but I've been wrong before.

Dean 2005-11-21 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by cody
I think it looks like about 45 degrees past 1.5 turns...585 degrees, but I've been wrong before.

Never trust me to do math on he weekend... That is exactly how many revolutions I counted, I just did the math wrong. I forgot to carry the 1... Actually, the number 440 was stuck in my head as the number 180 degrees past 360, but of course, that is a standard running distance in meters. Oops.

JonnydaJibba 2005-11-22 09:28 AM

That is awesome! Well it's awesome that you made it out ok, and so did your car, and that it was all caught on camera. Forgive my noobyness, but where is that? I've never raced my car so I dunno tracks well.

cody 2005-11-22 09:40 AM

That was my first track day so I'm a noob too. That was at Reno Fernely Raceway. More details on the spinout near the bottom of the page here:

More pics here:

van 2010-10-31 11:38 AM

So I pulled a Cody yesterday in the rain with Dean in the car.
I was so afraid of going off in the S's, glad I got that over with.
No video because Tim forgot to turn on his camera. He was following me and apparently I scared the shit out of him
I do have my My Maps gps log though

Dean 2010-10-31 12:09 PM


Not sure how you extract just that lap on Google.

My monologue as I recall it coming into turn 1 as Van has been trying to keep up with a Camero.

No brake...
Don't lift
Both feet in...

I think there was a "hold on" in there somewhere.

If he had his foot on the throttle when he made the correction, he probably would have saved it instead of going around the other way.

cody 2010-10-31 02:48 PM

Aw memories. Any damage?

van 2010-10-31 05:06 PM

OH god, how did this get here i am not good with computer

van 2010-10-31 05:19 PM

Dirty sidewalls and a fear of the turns. It took me a bit of dry surface and Art Majors instruction to go at a good speed again. He had some good " don't brake at all " and "you don't have a hair on your balls if you don't" type of quips that helped me overcome the off.

cody 2010-10-31 06:57 PM

Ha, sounds familiar.

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