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sperry 2006-01-05 04:35 PM

Paint color and fog light cover question...
I need some solid fog light covers for my bugeye, and it's pretty much impossible to find the STi ones, esp. in blue.

So I'm thinking about just grabbing some from a US dealership intended for the RS/TS bugeyes (since they came with covers if they didn't have the optional fog lights). The question is, how close does the RS "blue mica" paint match the WRX's "world rally blue"? IIRC, it's significantly darker. :(

My other option is to get a set of RS covers in white or black and deal with the mismatch color, or get a few bottles of touchup paint and an airbrush and paint 'em to match.

I should probably just get some in black, since I'll probably be cutting them up to install brake ducting in them anyway.

dknv 2006-01-05 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
I should probably just get some in black, since I'll probably be cutting them up to install brake ducting in them anyway.

Black, then handpaint the seccs logo on them.
Lemme know if you want me to look for my 3 y/o bottle of wrb touchup paint.

MattR 2006-01-05 09:13 PM

Nobody cares about your foglight problem Scott.That Sucks

sybir 2006-01-05 09:30 PM

Scott, check out for color-matched aerosols. Dan Zanelli swears by them, and he's an anal bastard; if they can match silver, they can match WRB.

khail19 2006-01-05 09:33 PM

The RS blue is really dark blue, nowhere near WRB. And they were around $50 each last time I checked. You could order a can of color matched spray paint from and paint them yourself. Or you could get the Orciari ones, which I like better than the stock ones. About $55 shipped on ebay.

khail19 2006-01-05 09:37 PM

Here's the mesh, about $40 shipped on ebay.

sperry 2006-01-05 11:05 PM

Mesh covers don't really fix my problem, which is hiding my intecooler piping.

In addition, I'd like something that I can use for mounting a brake duct scoop in, which means I'll probable be cutting a hole in whatever I get anyway, so it's probably best just to get something cheap that I can cut a hole in to attach a scoop behind.

Finally, one option would be to simply attempt to fabricate something custom. Does anyone have experience with fiberglass? If I could fab some fiberglass scoops that fill the foglight area, protect the I/C pipes, and supply a 2.5" or 3" port for a brake duct, that would be ideal.

khail19 2006-01-06 07:15 AM

You'd need some sort of mold to use glass. Maybe a big funnel with the small side cut off would work. I've been reading a lot on fiberglass lately (for stereo stuff), but I haven't attempted it yet. Doesn't seem that hard though.

cody 2006-01-06 09:03 AM

The hard part would be making the fiberglass look good. Know any pro stereo installers that owe you a favor?

MikeK 2006-01-06 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by cody
The hard part would be making the fiberglass look good.

Carbon fibre stickers! :P

sperry 2006-01-06 11:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by khail19
You'd need some sort of mold to use glass. Maybe a big funnel with the small side cut off would work. I've been reading a lot on fiberglass lately (for stereo stuff), but I haven't attempted it yet. Doesn't seem that hard though.

The mold would certainly be the hard part. The big problem is that the sides are asymetrical due to intercooler piping differences. So I want to make a symetrical cover, with an integral duct, that will work on both sides. Probably not a great 1st project for learning fiberglass. :lol:

I'm attaching an image of the basic area where there's room for the duct inlet. Behind the inlet I'd have to be a bit creative in order to route the ducting, especially on the driver's side. It's not much space... it'll probably be just about as effective as having the duct hose sticking out of the fog area, and not actually "scoop" a larger cross-section of air the way a real inlet does.

I'm wondering if using a NACA duct under the car would be as effective.

Since my fender liners need to be replaced, I think I might be able to add one of these under the bumper infront of the front tire. The question is whether or not it will get any air in there. IIRC the naca duct requires near-laminar flow over it to be effective, and something tells me under the car the flow is anything but laminar. So aero people (JC, Austin) give me some opinions!

Edit: What about putting a naca duct on the side of the bumper in front of the wheels? My bumper is already hacked to bits to get the FMIC to fit... what's another two duct holes? :lol:

tysonK 2006-01-06 12:48 PM

You should get a sweet do-luck bumper witht the big area for fogs.

khail19 2006-01-06 01:04 PM

I was just thinking a gallon milk jug might make for a good mold.</random thought>

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