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tysonK 2006-02-25 12:58 PM

GTI ricer commercials
Those commercials with the german scientists in the lab making fun of the ricer cars are killing me! funny.

The guy says his hood scoop sucks in air.

And lab chick says it's defiantly sucking! ha

M3n2c3 2006-02-25 04:15 PM

I don't suppose you have links of "teh intarweb" variety for those of us who don't watch TV? :P

Nick Koan 2006-02-25 04:17 PM

"Volkswagen, holding it down on the German Engineering tip"

Nick Koan 2006-02-25 04:20 PM

Kevin M 2006-02-25 04:51 PM

Somebody screen cap that "oh snap!" :lol:

Nick Koan 2006-02-25 05:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
Somebody screen cap that "oh snap!" :lol:

Small, quick and dirty.

M3n2c3 2006-02-25 05:28 PM

4 Attachment(s)
"Yo Mike, you vant us to un-pimp this thing? Let me hear you say 'vaat?'"

Peter Stormare is awesome. :lol:

some random screencaps:

SpecB#127 2006-02-25 05:45 PM

I have only seen that commercial once, but it was some funny sheeit!

Ezdno 2006-02-25 06:09 PM


tysonK 2006-02-25 08:32 PM

oh snap.

JC 2006-02-25 10:32 PM

All three videos...

sp00ln 2006-02-25 11:43 PM

Eclipses rule.

kidatari 2006-02-26 02:07 AM

Hahaha awesome! :D

JonnydaJibba 2006-02-27 08:22 AM

Those cars look like Hot Wheels, Riced2theMAX edition.

MPREZIV 2006-02-27 10:59 AM

THAT IS F'ING FANTASTIC! The giant tre-bu-che (catapult) is awesome! I'd love to sling some cars around here in that thing!

GC8.Love 2006-03-01 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by M3n2c3

Peter Stormare is awesome. :lol:

He was unforgettable as freakin' Satan in Constantine. =D

The rest of the movie wasn't, though..

My co-worker was actually asking me today if I'd seen these yet. When I heard the description, I thought they (VW) was going downhill fast.

They're actually pretty good..

SlickNick112 2006-03-01 09:06 PM

That's some funny $hit.........

Oh snap!

cody 2006-03-01 10:27 PM

Yes! These are the only commercials that I don't change the channel for. I hope they make more!

A1337STI 2006-03-02 05:48 PM

Yeah they made me laugh out loud the first time i saw them, and i still get a good chuckle from them. I really like the FAST comericals too ;)

is your fast gonna be a problem? :P hehehe (DEFINATLY!)

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