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tysonK 2003-07-14 04:10 PM

$2,400 premium rate Increases SCCA INSURANCE!?!?!?!?!
3 Attachment(s)
Well I got my 6month bill in the mail and it says that my SCCA membership has been filed with insurance companies. I was paying 1200 every six months now my bill is 3663 every six months, well I guess I;m out of the Auto-X game?!?!

2400 dolar increase. i had a heart atack I hope i dont have to pay this. what is this about, do you guys ahve to pay a 2400 premium just to race?

tyson(a little scared about his bill)

MattR 2003-07-14 06:38 PM

Holy shit, that totally sucks!!! What company are you with?

STIwish 2003-07-14 06:59 PM

Wholy shit... there is no way in hell I will continue to be a member of the SCCA if my insurance goes up like that.. NO WAY!!!

nohandsonthewheel 2003-07-14 07:12 PM

I'll talk to our insurance guy..... that doesn't sound right ..... our guy said that if we do race that we would be "highly encouraged" to take out life insurance policies along with our premium for auto insurance.

sperry 2003-07-14 07:24 PM

Okay, I've *never* heard of insurance rates going up for Autocrossing. Just find another company. That's BS.... especially since SCCA covers us for $1 million if we should injure anyone at an event.

Man.. that really pisses me off... the whole POINT of SCCA Solo2 is to provide people with a safe outlet for driving fast. A $2400 premium basically indicates the insurance company would rather have us out tearing around the streets for fun where we can hit people and other cars and buildings, curbs, etc. instead of tearing around an airport where the worst thing you can do it hit a orange cone.

:monkey: on that noise. :evil:

tysonK 2003-07-14 07:57 PM

this is my parents idea of a practical joke.

i was pretty freaked.



MattR 2003-07-14 08:03 PM

Are you Kidding???!!! I would have slapped my mama if she pulled something like that...damn good joke though, but that had me scramblin' reading all the fine print on my policy. geez! :lol:

tysonK 2003-07-14 08:20 PM

You don't even want to know how real the rest of it looked my dad photoshoped the statefarm logo and EVERYTHING, it was messed up.

I hope didnt send everyone into a panic, i only saw it, then went out to dinner when they told me then came back here and posted that it's a joke.

seriously though, my dad has never done this kind of thing to me before, he must have been bored.

JC 2003-07-14 10:02 PM

:lol: :lol: That's classic.


STIwish 2003-07-14 10:35 PM

OMG... ROFLOL!!!!! :lol: :lol:

nohandsonthewheel 2003-07-14 10:54 PM

How cruel ...... GOSH!!!! I knew parents liked to get at us for all the nasty stuff we did when we were kids but were you THAT much of a bad kid? Come on now

sperry 2003-07-15 07:35 AM


Dean 2003-07-15 01:54 PM

I am especially impressed with the NRS refference... I was about to look it up...

He got you good... Bring him to a meet, and we'll buy him a beer.

Theo 2003-07-15 02:26 PM

Wow, sure had me going. My Dad sat me down a few weeks ago to find out how my insurance was going to cover racing. I had to tell him I din't tell my insurance company and that I have no expectation they will cover accidents while racing.

He thinks I'm crazy.


tysonK 2003-07-15 02:35 PM

I did look up the law, but I was like what the hell, the numbers don't match up, but I still thought I was screwed. I almost mailed the thing back to statefarm, I dont know what would have happened then. But all in all my dad freaking nailed my ass. THe next fews years I'll be plotting revenge.

This was my first six moth bill that I have actually seen. so I had nothing to compare it with, basically for all I knew it was real, really real.

The only thing that gave me comfort is when I called my parents my mom didn't freak out as much as she should have on the phone(so I kinda was wondering then). I mean she already freaked out when I told her how much regular full cov was.



dknv 2003-07-15 07:38 PM


The more I thought about it, the funnier it got!

I love it when you find out how creative your parents can be.

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