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Bob Danger 2006-04-15 05:14 PM

Any anime fans in here?
I just finished the Neon Genesis Evangelion series, including the movie. Simply amazing I tell you.

GC8.Love 2006-04-15 07:42 PM

It was interesting, wasn't it?

The plot was cool. =P

Try Cowboy Bebop.

I ahven't found another series that lives up to those two yet.

Samurai Champloo is good, but not as deep or as riveting (to me) as CB.

Bob Danger 2006-04-15 08:10 PM

CB is good but I don't think it compares to Evangelion. I think Evangelion was right up there with Akira.

sperry 2006-04-15 10:15 PM

I saw Akira like 10+ years ago... I should probably watch it again, 'cause I don't remember why I everyone loves it so much.

And Cowboy Beebop > Samauri Champloo... not by a lot, but there's something just so integrated about the universe CB takes place in. It's just so well done... sad yet exciting, exotic yet identifiable. Champloo's universe is sorta defined by the era, not a lot of room for innovation, though they were very clever mixing the whol hop-hop thing into feudal Japan. :lol: However, the "main" plot of Champloo is a little better and more interesting than Beebop's... but the side plots in Beebop are much more entertaining.

I'd be nice to see a new Beebop movie... especially if they'd release it in the theaters. I bet it'd do well enough to make money.

As far as Evangelion, I've heard good things but I've never seen it.

nightwalker 2006-04-16 07:35 AM

Evangelion IS good. A mind fuck at the end though. I was watching it thinking... er? then when it's done you're kind of like. Oooo-K! :lol:

Naruto is pretty good if you haven't seen it. I also like the Vampire Hunter D too. There are two parts. The really old one, and the kind of old one :)

khail19 2006-04-16 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by nightwalker
Evangelion IS good. A mind fuck at the end though.

That's exactly what I thought about it when I was done watching it. Really great stuff, but I'm still not sure I understood it all. I still think about it now, 3 years after I saw it. Bebop is really great as well, but in a different way. I have the box set and the movie, I should watch them again soon.

M3n2c3 2006-04-16 03:04 PM

I haven't been able to get into the newer stuff such as NGE or Cowboy Bebop. Some of these new series stretch on way too long, and I don't have the time or funds to invest (and frankly, the stories don't interest me, either). I can do short-run series that don't require a lot of effort like Azumanga Daioh, Excel Saga, or Abenobashi. I also dig all the Hayao Miyazaki stuff we've been getting lately - Kiki, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, etc.

I'm also sick of the over-abundance of ridiculous adolescent bullshit drama in a lot of the Japanese entertainment we see these days. I haven't enjoyed a Final Fantasy game since #6 on the SNES, because the character interaction in every title since has been trite nonsense geared towards getting 16 year old kids to buy the games.

Anyway, I prefer to rewatch the "classics" that I've managed to collect. . . Akira, Appleseed, Bubblegum Crisis, Dominion Tank Police, Dragon Half, Ghost in the Shell, Golden Boy, Gunsmith Cats, Mermaid Saga, Ranma, They Were 11, Urusei Yatsura, etc. . .

In short, I used to like anime. . . I have a fair-sized collection of anime and manga from the late 80s and early to mid 90s that I still enjoy, but I can pass on most of the content that made it out after 1998.

sp00ln 2006-04-16 08:02 PM

You guys are gay.

tysonK 2006-04-16 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by sp00ln
You guys are gay.

have you seen my kingdom hearts thread?:lol:


sperry 2006-04-17 06:49 AM

Coyboy Beebop is from '98 and isn't extremely long.

M3n2c3 2006-04-17 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
Coyboy Beebop is from '98 and isn't extremely long.

I think I passed on Cowboy Bebop because I had just gotten to Korea and was spending all my money on PC upgrades, Red Dwarf videos, and traveling to see my gf (now my wife). I don't think I picked up a single new anime during the three years I was there.

khail19 2006-04-17 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by sp00ln
You guys are gay.

You're the F&F DSM driver. You're gay!

sperry 2006-04-17 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by khail19
You're the F&F DSM driver. You're gay!

I never understood the people that come into a thread like this, that's obviously geeky and adds nothing but flamebait to the discussion. It seems like any anime or computer or baseball thread always gets one idiot that needs to post "gay!" or "nerds!" or "baseball's boring!". I'm pretty sure the fans of those things already know what the popular opinion is. :roll:

sp00ln 2006-04-17 10:33 PM

Scott, you're gay


Originally Posted by tysonK
have you seen my kingdom hearts thread?:lol:


No. I saw the title, read the first sentence or two and kinda left it. It's about some game? Or something? Wanna link me?


Originally Posted by khail19
You're the F&F DSM driver. You're gay!

I'm glad someone can take it with a little humor! Hey Scott, there's an Anime club at UNR that I'm sure would love to have you as a member!

Nick Koan 2006-04-17 10:51 PM

I find Evangellion shallow and pedantic. yes, yes, shallow and pedantic.

But in all seriousness, I couldn't really get into it. At one point in time, I thought I was really into anime, but then I found out I wasn't. I found out I pretty much only liked GITS, Cowboy Beebop, Lain, Hayao Miyazaki stuff and a few other things.

The problem is, anime is many different genres and one cannot like anime as a whole because thats like saying you like film or canvas or any other artistic medium. That, and a lot of anime is really boring or really annoying (just like most forms of entertainment and/or art). I spent a good long while watching a lot of anime because I found a few real good ones first, and I have to say I feel like I wasted a lot of time watching a lot of crap.

Oh, and Ryan, you can take your 4G467G32 or whatever and leave this fucking thread alone.
/sarcasm if you couldn't tell :p

sp00ln 2006-04-17 10:57 PM

Shit, I left this 5 min ago...


Nick Koan 2006-04-17 11:01 PM


Ezdno 2006-04-17 11:47 PM

Princess Mononoke was a great anime movie, and if you ever want to laugh your ass off, Golden Boy makes some classic anime.

M3n2c3 2006-04-18 10:02 AM

Golden Boy is easily one of my favs. "Life is STUDY!" :D

I actually ran the only decent Golden Boy fansite on the web for several years (with reviews, video clips, audio clips, fanart, and a little bit of exclusive stuff from Kintaro's english voice actor) until some tool leeched my bandwidth and cost me almost $300 in excess charges two months before I was planning to move to Carson City. My webhost was supposed to send warning emails when I reached my bandwidth limit, but they didn't, nor would they foot the bill when I called to find out what the hell happened, so I decided to shut it down. :mad:

Princess Mononoke is my least favorite of the Miyazaki stuff that we've gotten, for some reason. I think I just prefer his more light-hearted or fanciful material, like Kiki or Spirited Away.

GC8.Love 2006-04-19 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by M3n2c3

I'm also sick of the over-abundance of ridiculous adolescent bullshit drama in a lot of the Japanese entertainment we see these days. I haven't enjoyed a Final Fantasy game since #6 on the SNES, because the character interaction in every title since has been trite nonsense geared towards getting 16 year old kids to buy the games.

Awwwww. No FFVII?! ::crycry::

J/K - I do anything up to 7.

Cowboy Bebop's side episodes can be a little silly, but on the whole it was a more mature series, which is partly why I liked it so much. There's way more 'tween silliness in NGE than there is in Bebop, not even counting that the characters in it are in that age group.

Though I do have to disagree about the plot in Samurai Champloo being more in depth than Bebop.

IMHO, they hardly developed the characters in Champloo whereas the whole storyline and nearly all of the episodes in CB revolve around events in the characters' pasts. A good number of the episodes reflect this, and are entirely devoted to it, you're nowhere near in the dark about any of the info.

Anyhow, I just felt that with SC, it was quick and dirty. Kinda vapid to me, but that's just me..

GC8.Love 2006-04-19 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by M3n2c3
..Red Dwarf videos...

Hahahaha. I haven't seen that in aaaages.

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