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sperry 2006-10-02 09:45 AM

Website rebuild
Well, it's looking like I should make a move on a major site update sooner rather than later. There's a new/improved version of vBulletin out there, and it's time to re-image the server to all the latest and greatest stuff.

What this means is that I'll be backing up the entire system, which will take several hours, and probably kill performance by 50% or so. Near the end of that process, I'll be locking the forums, so I can freeze the state of the threads during backup. Once that's done, I'll be triggering a remote re-image of the server. What that does is causes the ISP to format the hard drive on our server and automatically install all new software on the box. After that's done, I'll need to reinstall the vBulletin software, and restore our backed-up database.

I'm hoping to upgrade all the ancillary software as well, namely the frontpage, news, and gallery pages. If you're linking to images off the gallery, chances are when the site comes back up, your links will be invalid. Plus, it will probably take me a while to update all that code... sometime this winter, since it's the same code I'm writing for the new Reno SCCA website that we want up well before the next season starts.

I'm not sure when I'll have time to start this whole operation. Probably over a weekend sometime after the last autocross... maybe on the 14th/15th. So this isn't going to happen immediately, but just be aware that for a few days, hopefully this month, the site will be down for upgrades.

MPREZIV 2006-10-02 09:53 AM

That last sentence is the only one that made any sense to me... :?: But I got the point!!! :D

DARKSTI 2006-10-02 10:02 AM

Sounds good to me sperry, I understood all that!
I have done pretty much the same thing.

<UB3R G33K

Kevin M 2006-10-02 10:58 AM

What Cory said. :lol:

zpeed 2006-10-02 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by MPREZIV
That last sentence is the only one that made any sense to me... :?: But I got the point!!! :D

same here :)

ScottyS 2006-10-12 05:40 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I was doing a batch of favicons today, and did this one while I was at it. Not sure if you're interested, but it didn't take too long...

The .ico is in the ZIP, as the forum uploader doesn't like that extension. The .gif is for reference.

Here's some typical HTML to put in the HEAD:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" /><link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />

doubleurx 2006-10-12 07:47 PM

My understanding of what you just said equates to one of my favorite Beavis and Butthead quotes:

Teacher: "what is 2+2"

Beavis: "ahhhh..............W"

khail19 2006-10-12 08:11 PM

WTF? Seriously, what did Scotty just say?

sperry 2006-10-13 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by khail19
WTF? Seriously, what did Scotty just say?

SECCS Icon for the web browser. I'll keep it in mind when I get around to the rebuild.

khail19 2006-10-13 09:19 AM

Oh, I know what that is now. Can't you guys at least talk in broken English or something? Or ebonics or something I can sort of understand! :lol:

MPREZIV 2006-10-13 09:23 AM

Fo' shizzle!!!

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