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ScottyS 2006-10-13 03:39 PM

Had a little visitor today...
3 Attachment(s)
...on the front porch. I *think* it's a juvenile Western Racer, but not sure. It's similar to a Whipsnake too...anybody know?

About 11" long, with the thickness of a AAA battery, fast, and aggressive when approached. I hope he didn't hatch out too late for the cold weather...

ShawnS 2006-10-13 04:44 PM

Western Racer huh? You need to slap a couple of type R stickers on that bad boy!

van 2006-10-13 08:34 PM

it's a black widow!!!!!1!

without legs!!!

and not black!!!1!!!1

Ezdno 2006-10-14 12:23 AM

OMG that is exactly like a bicycle.....they both have kickstands.....well except for the snake. Did you identify it yet?

sperry 2006-10-14 09:00 AM

That little guy is awesome!

/me has been bit by just about every snake he's encountered in the "wild". :lol:

left footed whooten 2006-10-14 10:32 AM

Harness its power.

Kevin M 2006-10-14 02:55 PM

[Sam Jackson]I'm sick of the motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking porch!!11!1![/Sam Jackson]

qksubi 2006-10-14 03:33 PM

KILL it :eek: :eek:

rubberbiscuitt 2006-10-14 08:49 PM

see it's magesty.

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