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Dean 2007-09-26 07:46 PM

WTB: Any PCI-E Video card, DDR2-533 PC2-4200 RAM
Anybody got any PCI-E video cards lying around from an upgrade or something? I thought I did, but I can't find it.

Could also use any DDR2-533, PC2-4200 or faster DDR2 240 Pin RAM.

Just seeing what folks have lying around before I get something off pricewatch.

sperry 2007-09-27 09:06 AM

I've got like 5 PCI cards. Doubtful on anything PCI-E... I think only my current gaming rig uses Express... everything else fast is AGP.

I got a VLB card with a massive 2MB frame buffer on it somewhere. Got a 486 needing a sweet video card? :lol:

Dean 2007-09-27 09:17 AM

I hear you. I cleaned up all the ISA and PCI cards a while back. I think I kept one PCI and one AGP just in case. I swear I had a PCI-E that came out of my multimedia machine when the all-in-wonder went in but I can't find it.

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