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sonicsuby 2007-11-12 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by renosubby (Post 109363)
I like your current setup but if you went bigger... I'd say a 35r with the the blow trough maf... Ed tunes the Blow through all the time and loves it!

I hear Ed is quite adept at blowing many things..

EQ Tuning 2007-11-12 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by sonicsuby (Post 109537)
I hear Ed is quite adept at blowing many things..

You might want to spend more time listening and less time "hearing". If you have something concrete to say with evidence to back it up, I'm all ears. Until then keep your little school girl rumors to yourself.

Thanks ;)
-- Ed

sybir 2007-11-12 06:23 PM

It's ok, I think he was talking about penis. You must be thinking about something else. Lighten the fuck up.

BTW, please don't bother PMing me. I don't like you, I'm comfortable with that, and it's a public forum. C'est la vie.

Cheers ;)

EQ Tuning 2007-11-12 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by sybir (Post 109554)
I don't like you, I'm comfortable with that

I'm perfectly comfortable with you not liking me as well. Especially considering that I have never dealt with you on a professionally or even personal level. The same goes for SonicSuby for that matter.

What I'm not comfortable with, however, are rumors and lies that get spread by people who don't have the slightest clue of what's going on and who have never actually met me let alone dealt with me on a professional level. I know very well where this blatant shit talking is coming from and I've been very respectful to these people and shops in the past. The more I hear this kind of crap, however, the more inclined I am to release information they probably don't want made public ;)

-- Ed

sybir 2007-11-12 06:39 PM

I don't see anyone spreading rumors and lies. I see a gay joke, on the internet. Holy shit, call the cops!


skimonkey30 2007-11-12 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by sybir (Post 109561)
I don't see anyone spreading rumors and lies. I see a gay joke, on the internet. Holy shit, call the cops!


rumors and lies??

Ed it was a joke dude calm the fuck down

EQ Tuning 2007-11-12 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by skimonkey30 (Post 109562)
rumors and lies??

Ed it was a joke dude calm the fuck down

I'm totally calm :)

If it was really a little gay joke, I apologize for over reacting. I've just been attacked by these few individuals many times before so I was going on that precedent.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that. Let's move on with the technical discussion which is much more interesting than this kind of BS.

-- Ed

wrxkidid 2007-11-12 06:46 PM

Angry SECCS!

sonicsuby 2007-11-12 06:46 PM

It was one of those jokes with multiple layers. You being a cock sucker was just the first layer.

100_Percent_Juice 2007-11-12 07:10 PM

I don't understand.

EQ Tuning 2007-11-12 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by sonicsuby (Post 109566)
It was one of those jokes with multiple layers. You being a cock sucker was just the first layer.

Thanks for proving my point.
I'll reiterate again that I have never dealt with you on any level and any opinion you have formed of me is based purely on childish gossip.

EQ Tuning 2007-11-12 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 109571)
I don't understand.

You're not alone :lol:

sonicsuby 2007-11-13 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by EQ Tuning (Post 109574)
Thanks for proving my point.
I'll reiterate again that I have never dealt with you on any level and any opinion you have formed of me is based purely on childish gossip.

We've met in person you snake. Do you refuse to admit that or do you just not remember because there was no money or parts for you take from me?

EQ Tuning 2007-11-13 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by sonicsuby (Post 109611)
We've met in person you snake. Do you refuse to admit that or do you just not remember because there was no money or parts for you take from me?

I remember meeting you once at a parking lot meet and I don't recall saying or doing anything during that meet to piss you or anyone else off. In fact everyone was very friendly and polite at the time, and apparently now I'm a "snake". Funny how that works :lol:

Kevin M 2007-11-13 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by EQ Tuning (Post 109619)
I remember meeting you once at a parking lot meet and I don't recall saying or doing anything during that meet to piss you or anyone else off. In fact everyone was very friendly and polite at the time, and apparently now I'm a "snake". Funny how that works :lol:

You're confused. Meeting people in a parking lot didn't make you not a snake. It was a preexisting condition which was not corrected.

EQ Tuning 2007-11-13 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS (Post 109620)
You're confused. Meeting people in a parking lot didn't make you not a snake. It was a preexisting condition which was not corrected.

Trust me I'm not the one who's confused.

I know all of this stems from all the BS that went on with S^2. I believe considering that that shop went out of business, blew up motors, and owe people money and parts proved my point clearly. So its only natural for the same people who gave me all the shit back then and are apparently still butt hurt about it to start making up rumors and lies about me in the same fashion. Oh well, this isn't anything new with you guys... I just thought you might grow up with time. No need to like me personally but I really thought we'd be past these childish rumors and crap talking.

In all honesty I could care less... I have a lot of very happy customers all over the country. Many of my customers have been to several other tuners in the past and choose to continue working with me for a reason. I'm not looking to get your business, I honestly don't need or want it. I was just hoping we were past this kind of BS.

-- Ed

Kevin M 2007-11-13 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by EQ Tuning (Post 109621)
Trust me I'm not the one who's confused.

Trust is the last thing you're going to find from people who have been here long enough.

knucklesplitter 2007-11-13 01:54 PM

Is it just me, or are others annoyed by this pollution of a decent tech. thread? :mad:

Dean 2007-11-13 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by knucklesplitter (Post 109626)
Is it just me, or are others annoyed by this pollution of a decent tech. thread? :mad:

I agree completely, but it is hard to do anything about it when at least 1 moderator is a contributing factor. :rolleyes:

100_Percent_Juice 2007-11-13 02:00 PM

no its not just you.

EQ Tuning 2007-11-13 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by knucklesplitter (Post 109626)
Is it just me, or are others annoyed by this pollution of a decent tech. thread? :mad:

I agree 100%. It all started with Sonicsuby's useless comment and went nowhere fast. I tried adding to the tech discussion but no one seemed to pay attention to that post. I would agree to all useless comments being stripped out of the thread as they don't belong here in the first place.

-- Ed

knucklesplitter 2007-11-13 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by EQ Tuning (Post 109629)
I agree 100%. It all started with Sonicsuby's useless comment and went nowhere fast. I tried adding to the tech discussion but no one seemed to pay attention to that post. I would agree to all useless comments being stripped out of the thread as they don't belong here in the first place.

-- Ed

I read your BTM post and thought it was spot on. And whether anybody "likes" you or not it is useful info for the thread and the original poster.

sonicsuby 2007-11-13 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by EQ Tuning (Post 109619)
I remember meeting you once at a parking lot meet and I don't recall saying or doing anything during that meet to piss you or anyone else off. In fact everyone was very friendly and polite at the time, and apparently now I'm a "snake". Funny how that works :lol:

What's funny is you don't remember:
  1. Having lunch with me at Island's in Roseville with Paul
  2. Logging my car and lying to me about the safety of the tune it had
  3. Logging my friends cars and lying to them about the safety of their tune (tunes were checked by other reputable vendors)

You're not a snake "now", you've been one for some time.

skimonkey30 2007-11-13 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by sonicsuby (Post 109632)
What's funny is you don't remember:
  1. Having lunch with me at Island's in Roseville with Paul
  2. Logging my car and lying to me about the safety of the tune it had
  3. Logging my friends cars and lying to them about the safety of their tune (tunes were checked by other reputable vendors)

You're not a snake "now", you've been one for some time.

That "friends" car being my old 05 STI for which I shelled out over 200 dollars having dyno pulls and logging from reputable vendors to tell me that you were full of BS.

sybir 2007-11-13 02:14 PM

Yarp, good thing you offloaded that "ticking timebomb" to someone else ;)

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