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zpeed 2008-01-14 12:32 AM

Help me with the club trial rule? wanna play
I will do the PDX next year for sure but I might just try some Club Trial too. I have some thing that I want to do to my car but not sure about the rules. I have copy 2007 GCR but still confused. Do we use Auto-x class rules because I can't find Club Trial Rule only Production (EP, FP, GP, HP) and Showroom Stock (SSB, SSC) classes. I search the old SCCA web and saw that we have TT class.

My car '06 S2000. I just install SCCA approved 4 points Roll Bars.
1.) Where? When? can I get this bar Stamp & Certified to be SCCA legal.

I want to use old '01 stock rim ('01 is 16" vs 17" for '06) for cheaper DOT race tires and smaller circumference for faster acceleration.
2.) What class do I running.

Also want to install KW coil over V2 = no external reservoirs or V3 = with it.
3.) What class do I running.

Any suggestions welcome.

sperry 2008-01-14 09:18 AM

The wheels may take you out of Showroom Stock, the coilovers definitely will.

If you want to run in a TT Production class here are the rules (and a nifty little script to help you class the car):

The official class will depend on the weigh-in of the car, but I think the S2000 is pretty well smack in the middle of the TT-4 class, so weight probably won't change that.

Double Phister 2008-01-14 10:39 AM

Now I can bench race with my 7.5L STi.

A1337STI 2008-01-18 02:45 PM

in 07 , If you prepared a car to Autocross Stock rules the car was automatically okay in club Trials Showroom Stock. That's what i ran in last year. I also could not find specific rules on Club Trials.

as per autocross rules on wheels they have to be the same width, radius and +/- 1/4" for offset. you can do a cat back exhaust, front sway bar, and change your dampners provided they fit a large number of criteria (same spring perch location as stock, diameter increase is limited to , i forget what, they can be adjustable, you can only leave 1 adjustment working (ie if they are 2 way you have to snap off, saw off, epoxy , weld the other adjustment so it can't be adjusted ... weird rules.... ))

Club Trials Rule !!! :D

zpeed 2008-01-18 09:17 PM

Is this the case in 08 too? If so, I guess I'll play in A-stock rule then.

A1337STI 2008-01-22 10:51 PM

I'm not sure yet, hopefully there will be some club trial events in the reno region this year as well :)

Welcome to A-stock! :)
Club Trials – Level 2 Events
Club Trials are entry-level competition events and may utilize fixed racing
circuits (approved by the National Office) and other temporary courses
(airports, large lots, etc.). Typically, Solo classes are utilized, with other
classes available in certain areas. Some safety equipment is required
for competition. Exposure to hazards is limited by course selection and
layout. Some instruction generally accompanies the event. Entrants
must be SCCA members or have a valid temporary membership and must
present a TT Participation Log Book at events.

it has a lil info on classing. It seems to blend GCR classes with Solo2 (region optional) . so its a definite maybe! The time trial program and PDX events were ran more often so it would be a safer bet to plan on those being available. (a Stock class car can PDX, along with many other classes (perhaps all classes?), but you need a roll cage and other safety items for TT(time trials))

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