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ArthurS 2008-03-27 10:28 PM

Well hello dar
3 Attachment(s)
Its been ages since I have posted on here or really even spoken to many of you. Life, as they say it, took flight.

Guess I will give a little filler here. Since about a year ago, a ton has happened. As of March of 2007, I was promoted and moved down to Las Vegas where I have managed new agencies now for over a year throughout Nevada and parts of Southern Utah. Life has been well down here in the nasty heat, but still....Reno was calling me back. So...I have been promoted again and I am heading back to Reno! I will now be training to become a manager for Northern Nevada agencies that are over 1 year old. I will be moving back up towards the end of April.

Other life is that I am now married to my wife Donna. Some of you may have met here before we moved down to Vegas, but we ended up getting married in Feb of this 2008. Other good news is I am a father to be. We are expecting a baby girl in August! Her name is going to be Scarlett Leahnora Elizabeth Sturgis. I still have Monte (my border collie) who just turned 2 and also have Niya (my Beagle) who will be 5 months in April.

As for my rides...

I have been scootin around Las Vegas in my Acura Legend that I posted a thread about a year ago. It was a amazing car and wish that I didn't have to sell it. After all the miles it has gone through in the past year, it decided to burn a head gasket and really mess up the engine. Well that and some other fun items like large hole in radiator, CV boots leaking, battery shot, brakes fading, and timing belts needing to be chnaged I decided it was time to sell. I still got quite a good price for it!

In the mean time, until I find another little car to get me around with good gas milage, I am driving my 07 Jeep Commander. Its white with about 2,000 miles on it and I love it! Gas sucks in it, but its a very comfortable ride that will get me around well in Reno.

Overall, I am still on my hunt for the 1987 GN. I hope to have one before the end of 2008 and by early 09 be back to racing! Its been a much missed hobby.

Well, I think that gives you the past year in a nut shell. When I make it back up to Reno, I would love to swing by the meet and say whats up to everyone again! It would be good to see all of you.

Take it easy!


P.s. - I attached some photo's just incase anyone cared ;)

tysonK 2008-03-27 10:36 PM

Dude we have been have all kinds of nostalgia stuff lately.

Good to hear all the awesome news.

sperry 2008-03-27 10:48 PM

Hey man! Congrats on everything! Once you're back in Reno hit up a meet, no Subaru required for the old-school folks! ;)

Too bad about that Legend crapping out... I've always had a soft spot for those cars ever since I had an '88 and wished I had the newer body style like yours. Great cars.

ArthurS 2008-03-28 05:54 AM

Yea, it really was a nice car. Even though it was a '92, it looked and felt like it was much newer.

How is everything with you guys? Whats new?

Nick Koan 2008-03-28 06:39 AM

Hah, thats funny.

I just passed a GN the other day on the road and started wondering what you were up to. Unfortunatley, it didn't have a for sale sign.

Congrats on everything else though :D

Kevin M 2008-03-28 07:05 AM

All great news Art! Glad to hear it.

MikeK 2008-03-28 09:22 AM

Hey Art, congrats on the wedding and the impending spawn :)

SlickNick112 2008-03-28 09:28 AM

Congratulations Art. Everyone is growing up these days. It's scary. And fun. Good to hear everything is going well. I'm still living up in Seattle, missing Reno too.

sperry 2008-03-28 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by ArthurS (Post 116315)
Yea, it really was a nice car. Even though it was a '92, it looked and felt like it was much newer.

How is everything with you guys? Whats new?

Um... my GF and I just bought a house. That's new.

My WRX has a new motor... that's not so new. :(

Kevin M 2008-03-28 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 116327)
Um... my GF and I just bought a house. That's new.

My WRX has a new motor... that's not so new. :(

Maybe the next round of nostalgia will be "remember when Scott went through motors like we go through oil changes?" :)

ArthurS 2008-03-29 06:49 AM

Congrats on the house man. So where is everyone meeting at these days?

Kevin M 2008-03-29 08:33 AM

Read the meets thread, n00b! :lol: Tamarack Junction, back parking lot on Thursdays at 7.

ArthurS 2008-03-29 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS (Post 116338)
Read the meets thread, n00b! :lol: Tamarack Junction, back parking lot on Thursdays at 7.

Its been about a year being on a forum, so I guess I am a born-again n00b.

I'll will stop by a meet towards the beginning of May.

zpeed 2008-03-30 08:03 PM

Welcome back Art, I still drive an S2000 and make it out to the meeting once in a while.

ArthurS 2008-03-30 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by zpeed (Post 116360)
Welcome back Art, I still drive an S2000 and make it out to the meeting once in a while.

I still love your S2000 Nat. I will get to one soon, just have to go through the hell of packing and unpacking when I get there.

MattR 2008-03-31 03:34 PM

Art, I'm glad to see you're coming back...I talked to Elizabeth the other day and she said you were coming back and gave me your email address, hahaha, right in the middle of moving, I forgot where it went. ANyway, we hope to see you once you get settled in in Reno again.

On a side note...I saw Evan today in Sparks! He has a sick '87 Subaru XT..We talked for a bit. It's weird all the past-members I've seen lately...

sperry 2008-03-31 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by MattR (Post 116388)
Art, I'm glad to see you're coming back...I talked to Elizabeth the other day and she said you were coming back and gave me your email address, hahaha, right in the middle of moving, I forgot where it went. ANyway, we hope to see you once you get settled in in Reno again.

On a side note...I saw Evan today in Sparks! He has a sick '87 Subaru XT..We talked for a bit. It's weird all the past-members I've seen lately...

Sweet! I heard he found an old school XT, it's good to hear it's on the road!

Edit: That reminds me, I'm supposed to call AllState back about going over my new home insurance policy. I should probably review all my car insurance at the same time with Liz.

MattR 2008-03-31 04:19 PM

Dude, Scott, Evan said he cannot login to SECCS anymore, He says he's banned or something :lol: I don't remember banning him so could you check on that...haha.

sperry 2008-03-31 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by MattR (Post 116396)
Dude, Scott, Evan said he cannot login to SECCS anymore, He says he's banned or something :lol: I don't remember banning him so could you check on that...haha.

Um, I don't think he got banned! :lol:

...okay I checked his account (ZER026D) and it's active. He just needs to login and use it!

moose 2008-03-31 05:13 PM

Hey Arthur, I am not sure if you remember me, but I am Shawn's little brother.
You talked to me for five minutes once.

sperry 2008-03-31 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by moose (Post 116402)
Hey Arthur, I am not sure if you remember me, but I am Shawn's little brother.
You talked to me for five minutes once.


(BTW: I never made the connection between you and Shawn!)

moose 2008-03-31 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 116403)

(BTW: I never made the connection between you and Shawn!)

Yeah, he is my brother, he was the abuser and I was the abusee. :)

ArthurS 2008-04-01 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by moose (Post 116402)
Hey Arthur, I am not sure if you remember me, but I am Shawn's little brother.
You talked to me for five minutes once.

Whats up man! Yea, Evan does have that sick ol beast. I'll tell him to try and re-logon next time I talk to him.

Scott, yea just give her a ring and she can help you. She also has a guy working in her office named Gino, he is pretty good so he can help you too.

And yea my mom said she bumped into you Matt. Its going to be good to get back to Reno. Vegas is starting to really heat up as of late. Can't wait to get back in the snow!

ZER026D 2008-04-02 01:09 PM

Wow It worked I dont know what was going on. So yeah I saw mat the other day. My wife and I got a house down the street from Matt. I am driving a 1987 subaru RX its the first gen rally car I need to do some work to it so if anyone wants to loan a hand let me know. I am doing axle wheel bearing and ball joint on sunday or monday. I will try to post up some pics.

Nick Koan 2008-04-02 01:15 PM

Ooh, an old school RX.

That's pretty freaking sweet.

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