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JonnydaJibba 2008-07-07 01:57 PM

Local and semi-local swimmin' holes
Hi. It's summer and apparently (I just found this out) Reno is "America's Adventure Place" or some bullshit. It got me thinking, some fellows here have been over the hill and around the block a time or two, maybe you guys could share your knowledge of places to swim around the area? Besides the lake and the Truckee River of course. I like to go to the Yuba River, Angora, which is south of South Lake and the Truckee. What are some other cool spots to check out this summer? Hiking welcome. :cool:

sperry 2008-07-07 02:00 PM

Every time I go outside, my lungs feel like they're going to collapse.

JonnydaJibba 2008-07-07 02:05 PM

Don't be such a sissy, it's only temporary.

Wait don't you have asthma? You can be a sissy then. : pats head :

Nick Koan 2008-07-07 02:20 PM

Oh man, there are so many good ones in Desolation wilderness, just west of Tahoe. Lake Aloha, Echo Lake, Fallen Leaf Lake around South Lake Tahoe. Caples Creek/Lake and Silver Lake near Kirkwood. Wrights Lake, Bloodsucker Lake (oh wait, don't go swimming there) if you go a little more west into California.

They are also all butt-ass cold cause its all snow melt.

JonnydaJibba 2008-07-07 02:31 PM

I don't think I need to ask why not to go to Bloodsucker Lake (if that's even real). We were checkin out all the lakes around Aloha and Angora on Google Sat and Aloha is one we picked out to go to this summer. We figured we could hike there.

Nick Koan 2008-07-07 02:33 PM

Oh yeah, there is a bloodsucker lake. Its really just a name. All the lakes have names like that in the Valley of Terror.

JonnydaJibba 2008-07-07 02:34 PM

Valley of Terror, how inviting. :lol:

Nick Koan 2008-07-07 02:34 PM

Oh, Horsetail Falls near Twin Bridges.

Of course, I'm more giving you fun hikes to decent swimming spots, rather than just plain ol' good swimming spots.

cody 2008-07-07 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 120809)
Oh man, there are so many good ones in Desolation wilderness, just west of Tahoe. Lake Aloha, Echo Lake, Fallen Leaf Lake around South Lake Tahoe. Caples Creek/Lake and Silver Lake near Kirkwood. Wrights Lake, Bloodsucker Lake (oh wait, don't go swimming there) if you go a little more west into California.

They are also all butt-ass cold cause its all snow melt.

Yah, have fun hiking to Lake Aloha. :lol:

We went swimming at the Sparks Marina once. It wasn't bad except for the disgusting water and algae/seaweed. :eek:

Is there any nice sandy beaches on the Truckee?

JonnydaJibba 2008-07-07 02:37 PM

The hike is part of the fun I think. Getting all sweaty makes jumping in the water that much more nice. I mostly like being one with nature and all that kind of junk.

Cody, what's the deal with hiking Aloha?

cody 2008-07-07 02:38 PM

Yah, but it's like 8 miles uphill to get there IIRC.

Nick Koan 2008-07-07 02:41 PM

The Sardine Lakes kinda near Graeagle and Downieville is also kinda neat. You can drive right up to the lower one or take a <1 hike to the upper one. Probably about a ~1.5hr drive from here.

NevadaSTi 2008-07-07 04:15 PM

Lake Winnimucca off of H88 is only 3 miles in. Good fishing, not exactly a swimming lake. Snow run off, etc.

wrxkidid 2008-07-07 06:05 PM

Lakeridge pool? haha.

A place that is my favorite in the world is called the gorge.

The catch is its kinda a camping spot. Its in Big Sur, Cali. If you go down and camp for a couple days, at the pfieffer campground. Its aeound a mile hike up the river, literally in the river but its fun. A big old 40 high rope swing, some other 30s jumping rocks, couple smaller ones. You can also go up further and kick it at the temple, not much swimming but a pretty cool rock place where you can boulder/hike around it or boulder up underneath it and out the top. Go up higher and theres a fun swimming hole, no big rocks one 10-15 footer. Up higher than that there isnt much.

Its a sick place, my favorite place in the world, but it really isnt worth it unless you camp for like 3 or more days.

tysonK 2008-07-07 06:26 PM

^I think Big Sur is just molten campgrounds now.

MorganK 2008-07-07 09:22 PM

Hush-hush. This place is off 88 across from Silver Lake. The pools of water should be warming up soon here. The hike is easy. Park at the dam, cross 88 and walk through the trail at the end of the campgrounds along the river.


JonnydaJibba 2008-07-10 09:38 AM

TIM! Do you think you could google up the location of the irrigation thingies at Farad or whatever? I had a friend tell me you can ride em for even longer than you did.

wrxkidid 2008-07-10 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK (Post 120834)
^I think Big Sur is just molten campgrounds now.

Im pretty sure pfieffer is still there this year unless they renamed it. It was just under construction this year so like 70% of the spots were unavailible.

ArthurS 2008-07-14 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 120809)
Oh man, there are so many good ones in Desolation wilderness, just west of Tahoe. Lake Aloha, Echo Lake, Fallen Leaf Lake around South Lake Tahoe. Caples Creek/Lake and Silver Lake near Kirkwood. Wrights Lake, Bloodsucker Lake (oh wait, don't go swimming there) if you go a little more west into California.

They are also all butt-ass cold cause its all snow melt.

Lake Aloha is the shit. I camped up there during a week long backpacking trip up in desolation.

ArthurS 2008-07-14 07:19 PM

Some other places, not sure if they have been mentioned:

Burney Falls - like 3 hours from here, but a AWSOME place to kick it
Painted Rock - about 20 minutes from Reno on your way to fernley. Nice little jumping rock and pretty relaxing area to swim around. Only issue is its downstream from that power-plant, so the water may be a little gross.
Verdi - Down under boomtown there are some flumes, nice bridges, and some nice hidden little beaches hiding past some brush.

100_Percent_Juice 2008-07-14 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by ArthurS (Post 121283)
Verdi - Down under boomtown there are some flumes, nice bridges, and some nice hidden little beaches hiding past some brush.

I almost hit some kids running across the freeway right there.

cody 2008-07-14 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by ArthurS (Post 121281)
Lake Aloha is the shit. I camped up there during a week long backpacking trip up in desolation.

I'm going to the Velmas (Upper Velma) in a couple weeks with some friends for an annual trip we do.

ScottyS 2008-07-14 09:14 PM

Anything south of Gardnerville. And Walker.

NevadaSTi 2008-07-15 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by ScottyS (Post 121297)
Anything south of Gardnerville. And Walker.

Grover Hotsprings, is south of G-ville.

JonnydaJibba 2008-07-15 12:23 PM

Too hot. Right now.

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