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Dean 2008-12-17 07:39 PM

Thunderhill performance driving events January 9,10,11!!!
All of these are open to all car brands. Thunderhill is about an hour North of Sac. on I-5 in Willows, CA.

Friday is T.E.A.M. $160 for the day includes lunch.

Sat.-Sun. is Audi Club $450 for 2 days + hot lunches, Friday reception food, Saturday banquet and event memento (usually a long sleeve shirt of some form). (Audi Club Membership is $44/year and is required but good for all events. Laguna Seca is Feb.!!!)

First, Thunderhill Raceway Park is probably one of the best tracks on the West coast to learn at for all levels: Novice to advanced drivers. There is plenty of run off, wide surface, elevation changes, etc... January at Thunderhill is a good chance for rain which is great to learn to drive your AWD...

So, what are the differences between the two groups, and why are the prices so different...

TEAM is a great group, and tries to get you the most track time for the least money... One day weekday events are less expensive. Instructors are available for novices and other groups on request for in car instruction and things are just a bit less structured and the advanced group can get a little sketchy with open passing and impatient drivers. They provide drinks and lunch at this event.

The Audi club is also a great group and is more focused on instruction and ongoing improvement for all levels. 2-Day weekend events are more expensive. Every student gets an in-car instructor and classroom instruction. Almost all of these instructors are very experienced with AWD and thus Subaru friendly! Passing is strictly controlled in all run groups. Novices also do car control exercises the first morning in the paddock. They include food except for breakfast from the time you arrive Friday until you leave Sunday. Reception munchies, 2 hot lunches, and a Saturday Banquet at the local steak house.

I am an instructor for TEAM, and A Chief instructor for the Audi club and will be teaching the intermediate and advanced group class sessions.

I strongly recommend this track and both of these events...

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Joeyy 2008-12-26 04:55 PM

We need more in car video from your track days Mr. Dean. It has been some time sense your last video post.

Dewey 2008-12-26 07:45 PM

Wow, I really want to go, if I get my coilovers before then, and if I have enough moneys to go, I will be there. I am craving seat time like a mofo.

Kevin M 2008-12-26 10:50 PM

You don't need coilovers for your first track day. Seriously. You'll learn WAY more by going without them the first few times.

Dewey 2008-12-27 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin M (Post 126710)
You don't need coilovers for your first track day. Seriously. You'll learn WAY more by going without them the first few times.

I know, but I NEED to replace my Dr. side rear strut. Its all bent to shit, and I think its blown. It clunks when I go over bumps. After thinking about it, my biggest concern would be the tires. All I have is the all season's that I autoxed with over summer. The tires have like 10% tread left.

Dean 2008-12-27 07:29 PM

Are they below the wear bars?

Your first days at the track should be way less wear than the same days of autocreross.

doubleurx 2008-12-27 08:25 PM

The Audi track days are fun. I still remember Dean taking me for a couple laps at Laguna Seca on SNOW TIRES!

Dewey 2008-12-27 10:34 PM

They are pretty much at the wear bars.

Dean 2008-12-28 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Dewmudgeon (Post 126732)
They are pretty much at the wear bars.

That should be enough... If it rains hard, you will have to slow down accordingly.

You might also be able to borrow a set of wheels with tires as backups/spares from somebody and haul them down. You can actually fit 2 full sets of tires in an impreza rithout much trouble.My 255s won't work or you could borrow those.

Bonster 2008-12-28 07:51 AM

Dean . . . thanks for the plug. But by the way, we don't just "supply drinks and granola bars." We also provide a catered lunch just like you all do in the Audi Club. And actually, insctructors are guaranteed for all groups -- it's just that the advanced and intermediate folks need to ask in advance so that I know to get more instructors to attend. Just wanted to clarify for ya. ;)

While we are on the subject . . . in 2009 we selected the date that is NOT the same weekend as the North-South Challenge, for all of those of you who kept missing out. We are instead doing the weekend before Father's Day -- June 13-14. So no excuses this time, lol. :D

Bonster 2008-12-28 07:58 AM

Oh, sorry . . . one more thing, Dean . . . we don't choose weekdays because they are cheaper . . . in fact, we don't choose weekdays at all . . . the track won't give us anything better! After all these years, you got it. We did have a weekend back in November, but that was only because somebody bailed. Believe you me, if we could get T'hill to give us weekends, we'd be all for it. Sigh.

And another thing . . . part of the reason the Audi Club costs a few bucks more is because of all the great perks they are supplying. I mean, we're talking ALL the bells and whistles. And they have the support of one of the leading car clubs around, which helps them keep the cost under control while providing a top-notch event.

So sure, I hope to see folks come to the TEAM event . . . but if you can only make one, I'd have to vote for the Audi Club. Dang it. It stinks being honest. :D

Dean 2008-12-28 08:35 AM

I apologize for any inaccuracies. Did not know you were providing lunch at this event.

And I guess my point on instructors was that all Audi run groups have in-car instruction for all drivers unless the drivers have been checked out by 2 instructors and soloed for that track. Even then, they often get a checkout during their first session.

They are both great events and I encourage everyone to attend both! :)

Bonster 2008-12-28 09:06 AM

Oh, I figured you just didn't know, Dean. Good thing you do now, as you'd feel funny bringing a sack lunch when we had warm food waiting for you in the drivers lounge. ;)

legasti 2008-12-29 06:49 PM

Hey Dean! I will be there again, it should be just as awesome as it was the last time. Now especially since I have a lot more expierance coming into it.

Dean 2008-12-29 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by legasti (Post 126829)
Hey Dean! I will be there again, it should be just as awesome as it was the last time. Now especially since I have a lot more experience coming into it.

Cool. See you there Cale. How many events or track days are you up to?

legasti 2008-12-30 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 126831)
Cool. See you there Cale. How many events or track days are you up to?

This will be my 4th with Audi club. I have not dared yet go with another track day group. Money is getting tight so I won't be going to Laguna Seca this year. But I am looking at having the best time at Thunder Hill, I love that track!

szucchet 2009-01-04 06:36 PM

hey guys i want to go to the team event and i was wondering if i have to register online or can i just register at the event?:?:
thanks, silvio

Dean 2009-01-04 07:35 PM

On-Line is easiest, Link is in my first post. You can try calling (916) 320-4020 or email


Bonster 2009-01-04 08:20 PM

Hey Silvio . . . I really need to have a copy on-hand at the event of your registration form. Right now we only have openings in the advanced and intermediate groups, but there is lots of room there. If for some reason the form does not work for you (located at just email me your details and I can fill out a form for you. Being as it is late in the game, PayPal is preferred at this time. Don't worry about the extra late fee . . . but please do add five bucks to cover the PayPal transaction fees, for a total of $165.

Taking cash at the track is allowed by us, but being as I live in Florida, and there isn't an Eglin Federal Credit Union out in California, it's kind of scary getting on the plane with all that cash. The track will accept cash, but they give me a lot of grief over it. Checks are no longer accepted on site with the exception of a SMALL group of folks that have been with us for more than five years.

So anyway, I hope that answers your questions. Another reason I like to get those registration forms in advance is I need to have an email address to send to you the schedule, etc., in advance of the event. VERY important stuff, ya know. ;)

THANKS Dean (!) for helping field his questions. Are you coming up Thursday night or Friday morning? Did you get the driver's manual? I just wanna make sure you and I are all set for what I am sure will be a wonderful set of novice downloads.

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