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Dewey 2009-03-25 09:52 AM

Thinking about selling my car
So, I have been thinking about selling my car. I really want to get an STi, and considering how much they have been going down in price, I think I could probably get one without spending an arm and a leg. Does anyone have any educated speculations on how the market will be doing in this next 8 months? And.. How much should I be asking for my car?

2002 WRX (Salvaged Title)

If I sell it with mods:
2006 STi Body
OZ-Prodrive Rims
Injen CAI
GFB BOV WRX hybrid
Catless Uppipe
Full custom TBE
Strut tower braces

STi seats and Door Cards
6.5" Alpine X Type component front speakers
kenwood DNX 5120 Navigation package
2 10" kicker comp subs
alpine 200 watt x 4 channel amp
kicker 2x350 watt amp

This is really just a thought, and if I can get a reasonable amount for it, I will definitely sell it. Even if it means I will be out of the AutoX season and out of a car for a while.


Dean 2009-03-25 09:57 AM

My salvage title stock '02 WRX sold for $10K a couple years back with only 30K miles. You didn't mention how many miles you have.

Some of your mods might decrease value, not add. Depends on buyer.

sperry 2009-03-25 11:51 AM

A 2002 WRX w/ a salvage title? $2000-$5000 IMO, depending on mileage. All the work and mods mean nothing with a salvage title, and they mean next to nothing w/ a clean title.

You'd get far more for the car by parting it out.

wildfirefli 2009-03-25 05:20 PM

Jesus! It's like selling your baby for crack when you part out a car!! PLEASE DON'T DO IT!!! sheisa. Someone will want it! Someone will have to buy it!

SoCal LS-L 2009-03-25 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by wildfirefli (Post 130530)
Jesus! It's like selling your baby for crack when you part out a car!! PLEASE DON'T DO IT!!! sheisa. Someone will want it! Someone will have to buy it!

How much crack can you get for a baby nowadays? I mean is it down with the markets or does it depend on how ugly the baby is? :~:

I have six kittens now, how much crack can that get me? I mean just for reference purposes. :lol:

wildfirefli 2009-03-25 08:06 PM

lol.. depends on how much crack u need

Dean 2009-03-25 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by SoCal LS-L (Post 130540)
I have six kittens now, how much crack can that get me? I mean just for reference purposes. :lol:

There is no exact kitten to crack exchange rate but everyone knows if you got the smack, you can always get a little pussy for it... :)

Sorry, I couldn't stop myself. :oops:

100_Percent_Juice 2009-03-25 09:36 PM

Dean your are out of character. Pick up another script on the way out.

cody 2009-03-26 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 130546)
There is no exact kitten to crack exchange rate but everyone knows if you got the smack, you can always get a little pussy for it... :)

Sorry, I couldn't stop myself. :oops:

Bravo. *slow clap*

Dean 2009-03-26 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 130557)
Dean your are out of character. Pick up another script on the way out.

:?: I was reading for the part of "Dirty old man". I thought I nailed it!

Ba da bump.

wildfirefli 2009-03-26 10:16 AM

LOL! You give me the kitties and I'll send you on a wild goose chase down on wells.

AtomicLabMonkey 2009-03-27 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 130546)
There is no exact kitten to crack exchange rate but everyone knows if you got the smack, you can always get a little pussy for it... :)

Smack = heroin, not crack cocaine.

wildfirefli 2009-03-27 10:53 AM

smack=drugs. why you so educated?

sybir 2009-03-27 10:58 AM

No, smack=heroin.

And it was college, I needed the money.

Dean 2009-03-27 12:53 PM

I was going to use "Candy" or "Sugar" but decided to use some punetic license and use smack instead. :P

100_Percent_Juice 2009-03-27 01:06 PM

Oh Dean, you're such a chicken head.

MattR 2009-03-27 01:43 PM

mmmmmmmm. Rocks.

sperry 2009-03-27 01:56 PM

cody 2009-03-27 02:38 PM


wildfirefli 2009-03-27 05:49 PM

Guess that makes sense. I wouldn't know.

cody 2009-03-30 04:23 PM

If you had told me that we'd have a thread with chicken heads, smack, and punetic in it, I'd never have believed you.

wildfirefli 2009-03-30 10:13 PM

Man I really tried to look up punetic. Am I lost?> Has the internet failed me??

Dean 2009-03-30 10:26 PM

Punetic License is the Punny version of Poetic License.

Punny is the adjective form of Pun, or so I am claiming.

Oh, and I am old and strange and thus often more amused by my own jokes than others are. :)

And in hindsight, it may not have been as much of a pun as a witty play on words, again, or so I thought.

AtomicLabMonkey 2009-03-31 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 130757)


cody 2009-03-31 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey (Post 130940)

You should move to Pudong, China. You'd never stop laughing.

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