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sperry 2009-03-31 01:43 PM

What are the chances I'll get paid?
So, around 6 months back, I had a credit card number stolen and used for a bunch of crap, from $800+ at Victoria's Secret, to 3 cell phone bills paid off, to a Pizza Hut pizza. BofA was nice enough to notice the sudden odd charges and put a hold on my card and contact me about it. When I talked to them, they immediately refunded the few charges that had gone through... so no big deal.

Then a week or so later, I get a call from the Long Beach PD. Apparently they picked up some guy who had a little black book on him with my name, address, credit card number, phone number, and card security code in it (as well as the same info for a bunch of other people). The LBCPD officer called my number out of the book and took my statement and asked if I wanted to press charges (um, duh! Of course I do!).

Anyway, I got a notice 2 months back or so that the guy was on trial and that I might be subpoenaed (but it never happened). Then more recently, I got a notice that homey got conviceted of the crime, sentenced to 3 years probation, and punitive damages. Turns out Mr. card theif owes me $1900 in damages according to the state of California! :lol: The poor bastard has to have his wages garnished or something and the money will be put into the CA treasury until a "releasable" amount is available to cut me a check with...

So, what do you guys think the chances are I'll ever see that $1900? :lol: Hell, even if the guy pays it... what keeps the CA treasury from just using it to try to balance their deficit? It would certainly be nice to get almost $2000 in my pocket... but I wonder how much he owes the credit card company that he actually stole from (I put my credit card contact in touch w/ the detective so they could share info on the charges that were made)? Or how much more does he owe for all the other people in that black book? Something tells me not to hold my breath. :lol:

Nick Koan 2009-03-31 02:03 PM

That idiot deserves it for writing down the numbers in a little black book :lol:

GusGus91 2009-03-31 02:05 PM

I'd like to know how he got all your information and card? hahaha what a homo for writing it in his diary.

Kevin M 2009-03-31 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by GusGus91 (Post 130998)
I'd like to know how he got all your information and card?

Online transactions most likely. Either stolen directly by an inside man, or hacked.

JonnydaJibba 2009-03-31 02:16 PM

I hope the wages they garnish aren't his 60 cents a day he gets in prison, if he even will be working in prison. Would they have to wait til he has a job again?

That's fuckin scary tho. It's great that B of A called you.

Not too long ago I got a call from my bank asking if I spent $380 to buy tires. I did buy them of course, but what baffles me is why didn't they call and ask the last 2 times I ordered from Tirerack? And why didn't they call me when I spent $600 on a pistol? And why didn't they call me when I spent $400 to get my hood painted? I'm curious as to what kind of purchases they watch, or what the criteria is for calling people.

sperry 2009-03-31 02:27 PM

They guy likely had temporary access to someone's database and copied down a few customer's credit card info. Likely it was some autoparts place in SoCal... there are few down there... Gruppe-S, StopTech, Oakos (I think)... the hell if I can remember all the places I've used my card at online that are based in LA!

The guy isn't going to prison... unless he violates his 3 years of probation. I didn't really get an explanation about how he's supposed to pay me back, other than to be told it's via the CA treasury dept. and that they don't release the money to me as he pays them, they release it when they've compiled a significant amount... which is where I assumed there may be garnished wages involved. No sense in sending me $5/mo... I'll get a check once a year or something I guess.

I'm not sure how the credit card companies detect the fraudulent charges... but whatever algorithm they use, it seems to work pretty good. I've had my card number stolen twice in the last 6 years, and both times they figured it out as the charges were being made, and they've never falsely detected a legitimate charge. The 1st time I got my card stolen a while back, some guy tried twice to charge $7000 worth of light aircraft parts to it down in Minden! :?: :lol: And this time, a few of the cell phone bill charges went through before BofA detected the fraud, but they called me about it and reversed the charges no questions asked! So, as much as BofA sucked when they were my bank, they do a pretty good job on the credit card side.

Tahoe C5 2009-03-31 02:31 PM


Your refund, when and if it comes, will probably be a California State IOU, that's how they're doing business these days!

van 2009-03-31 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 131003)

I'm not sure how the credit card companies detect the fraudulent charges... but whatever algorithm they use, it seems to work pretty good.

I've heard the sure fire red flag is to fill up 2 tanks of gas, back to back, and then a charge at a mall shoe store.

sperry 2009-03-31 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Tahoe C5 (Post 131004)

Your refund, when and if it comes, will probably be a California State IOU, that's how they're doing business these days!

I was kinda thinking that. :lol: :mad:

sperry 2009-03-31 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by van (Post 131006)
I've heard the sure fire red flag is to fill up 2 tanks of gas, back to back, and then a charge at a mall shoe store.

I'll tell you what... *never* use a card on 2 different pumps at the same time. I tried to fill up the diesel truck, while filling up the gas cans for the race car w/ 91... I couldn't use my card at a Chevron for a month. :mad:

k-dogg39 2009-03-31 04:50 PM

The way CA is going lately, they will probably find some way to make it that you owe them money...:lol:

SoCal LS-L 2009-03-31 05:30 PM

You'll probably see SOME of it, even if its years later. Im still getting $10 checks from a guy I detained and testified against when I was working loss prevention back in '98. He fought me and threatened me with a gun, so the state ordered him to pay civil restitution, and they garnish his wages for that. I dont know if CA is different, but im sure you will see at least a few bucks.

van 2009-03-31 05:55 PM

dang, I had my old dodge charger (70's) stolen by two runaway foster kids and returned the next day(joyride) with a broken exhaust, maladjusted seat and sans a few hundred dollars worth of cd's (pre mp3 days),stereo and skateboards.
I got my car back the next morning and a few cd's back a month later and nothing but a "we got arrested and beat up by the cops so we're sorry and learned our lesson" hand written letter. I want financial restitution!
.......although I still keep the letter around, I should have it framed

murphy 2009-04-09 04:48 PM

I see a big fat IOU for you Scott

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