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KissMyAsthma 2009-04-14 09:00 PM

Lithia Subaru Sales Dept.
Eh, I wasn't wowed by Lithia sales myself.
I wanted to simply get an appraisal on my Element, just to see how upside down I am or what my options would be. I had gone in a couple times, looking at what they had and just letting the salesman know I was interested. About a week later and a couple phone calls back and forth, I was finally able to drag mom in (car is in her name and needed to be present) and someone went around the car, took the VIN, checked all the boxes, etc.
We were in a hurry so we couldn't stick around to hear the numbers they came up with so he said "Okay, you'll be getting a call from us tonight." That was Monday, March 23rd.
It is now April 14th and I've yet to receive a call.
The whole thing left me unimpressed.
Sure I might just be bitching about it and I haven't been screwed by the service dept. like other people here have.
But come on, a car salesman not following up on a potential sale?
That's like being a serial killer and having your application for Hell denied :huh:

GusGus91 2009-04-15 07:58 AM

I'm still really surprised they never gave you a call back. Because when I was looking to buy from them, Eric called me several times.

KissMyAsthma 2009-04-15 09:35 AM

I know! Heck, he was the one who told you to get me in there.
And its not like I went in a dozen times and said oh sure Ill get the parents in here soon and we can talk.
I followed through and showed up with them. He did call me when they sold the '06 and hes not the only one there with my number. Blah. If and when Im ready to get my Subie, if the white '05 is still there, I might just suck it up and get it. I would much rather go to Sac or somethin though.

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