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bigrobwoot 2009-09-25 12:51 AM

Car accident on Virginia at McCarran (by UNR)
So here's a story:

Just got back from the hospital. My girlfriend got hit by a drunk 65 year old man who ran a red light. Just minor injuries, but she is pretty shaken up by the whole ordeal. No skidmarks or anything, he just went for it. Her friend, the driver, was turning left on to mccarran from northbound Virginia, so the guy was coming down Virginia going at least 50 mph. The Honda pilot they were in rolled onto it's roof, and they unbuckled (thank god I yell at Em to buckle up anytime we get in the car) and crawled out. Ambulance took them to renown for about 4 hours. Pretty intense evening.

zpeed 2009-09-25 04:02 AM

Sorry to hear that, I hope she and her friend get well soon. Who want to bet that this is not his 1st DUI.

WRX06TR 2009-09-25 07:10 AM

Wow! I saw that accident last night. Glad everything is okay. I couldn't even tell that was a Honda Pilot laying there when I drove by, it looked like an old Blazer...crazy.

cody 2009-09-25 08:22 AM

Glad to hear they're alright. Sheesh.

sperry 2009-09-25 08:42 AM

Damn. That's shitty. At least no one got seriously injured and it sounds like the drunk got busted.

tysonK 2009-09-25 09:14 AM

Good to hear a recovery sounds like it's going fine.

Neer hurts to remind people to buckle up, I don't let people ride in my car without being buckled I bet most us are the same way.

bigrobwoot 2009-09-25 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by tysonK (Post 140119)
Good to hear a recovery sounds like it's going fine.

Neer hurts to remind people to buckle up, I don't let people ride in my car without being buckled I bet most us are the same way.

I'm exactly the same way, especially with her. And I always tell her it's not because I think I'm gonna crash, it's because someone is gonna crash into me. I guess the drive right before that, they were both talking about how they don't always buckle up. The whole thing is still surreal to me, and I can't even imagine how they feel about it. Em said that she watched the guy blow the light and bit them.

And for the record, my Em isn't the Em from this forum that you all know.

ScottyS 2009-09-25 12:10 PM

Good to hear injuries are minor.

If there's one thing I learned after all those years on the roads driving delivery (and witnessing quite a few accidents), you can never look too far ahead, and you can never assume that people are going to obey laws of yielding/stopping. I've seen several accidents exactly like this one, where someone never planned on stopping for a light or sign, and the victim never saw them coming and put the vehicle right in the path of the dumbass.

Yeah Tyson, if they aren't buckled they become a ballistic object that can kill everyone else in the car.

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