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sperry 2009-12-08 02:55 PM

Well, I know one place we're probably not moving the meet back to...


Bully’s Sports Bar & Grill, which operates 13 outlets across Northern Nevada, has filed for bankruptcy protection but plans to operate as usual in the meantime.

Owner Paul Sonner said today the impact from the state’s ban on public indoor smoking, timed with the recession’s pinch on consumers, has forced him to seek Chapter 11 reorganization.

Nevada voters in the 2006 general election approved the smoking ban in most public places with the exception of casino floors and bars that don’t serve food.

Sonner countered with several “Smokin’ Bully’s” establishments nearby his Bully’s restaurants where smokers could order food and have it delivered.

But it has been an expensive endeavor, he said, and no one realized the coming impact of the recession.

“Just when we were able to get back much of what we lost, when we were finally able to get back on our feet, the economy hit us,” he said. “It’s tough.”

In recent years, Sonner’s landlords have upped rent on his properties by as much as 12 percent, he said, but the recession has prompted re-negotiations and that has helped his bottom line.

He said he will continue to operate his nine Bully’s and four Smokin’ Bully’s outlets.
Aside from layoffs a year or so ago, Sonner said he has not had, nor does he anticipate, cutting his staff of 300 further amid bankruptcy.

“We told our employees their jobs are safe,” he said. “We’re in a pretty good position now staff-wise. I don’t see anyone else being laid off.”

In fact, he said, he’s bullish on the coming year.

“I think 2010 will be a good year for us,” he said. “I predict it will be our best year. We’ve done a lot for this community, and I think the community will back us.”

Kevin M 2009-12-08 03:44 PM

Funny how he doesn't mention the 30% price hike a couple years back as a source of the reduced business...

Nick Koan 2009-12-08 05:39 PM

I just came here to post that same story :p

But yeah, they forgot to mention the loss of weekly revenue from a group of Subaru guys as a contributing factor in the Chapter 11.

Kevin M 2009-12-08 05:45 PM

The smoking ban argument is full of crap anyway, since it's not like there are any competing restaurants where one can smoke.

MPREZIV 2009-12-09 07:38 AM

I wouldn't specifically agree with that one Kev. Not all of the people who go to Bully's are there to eat, and thus, although they haven't lost the smoking+eating customers to another restaurant, they have lost the have-a-beer-and-smoke-while-watching-the-game customers, such as myself, and others I know.

Although I can assure that specific number of people weren't likely enough to bankrupt the joint, couldn't have helped losing them. "Smokin' Bully's" = The Suck.

sperry 2009-12-09 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by MPREZIV (Post 142972)
I wouldn't specifically agree with that one Kev. Not all of the people who go to Bully's are there to eat, and thus, although they haven't lost the smoking+eating customers to another restaurant, they have lost the have-a-beer-and-smoke-while-watching-the-game customers, such as myself, and others I know.

Although I can assure that specific number of people weren't likely enough to bankrupt the joint, couldn't have helped losing them. "Smokin' Bully's" = The Suck.

The real fail w/ the "Smokin Bully's" isn't just that the smoking lounges suck, it's that they suck *and* they cost Bully's a crapload of money to build.

Expend a bunch of capital to build something that sucks just as the economy takes a crap = Chapter 11.

dknv 2009-12-23 12:19 PM

He passed away. Sad. RIP

<why can't I remember how to reformat a URL?>

Nick Koan 2010-01-20 03:07 PM

I hear the one on Steamboat near the RC Wiley is closing, about a year or so after opening.

So, that's the good news. The gooder news is that they are supposedly offering $2 pints all weekend on their last weekend in business.

sperry 2010-01-20 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 144221)
I hear the one on Steamboat near the RC Wiley is closing, about a year or so after opening.

So, that's the good news. The gooder news is that they are supposedly offering $2 pints all weekend on their last weekend in business.

That's probably where they lost their asses on money. That place couldn't have been cheap to build, plus it had the more expensive smoking lounge. But without any other places in that shopping center, I don't think people ever really thought about going there. It'll be a good spot as soon as there's a gas-station, supermarket, banks, etc right there... but for now, that shopping center is kind of a black hole. I never think to go over there... hell, I've even driven right past the Office Depot there on my way to CompUSA 3 times further from my house because I just forgot it's even there.

100_Percent_Juice 2010-01-20 03:31 PM

There is now a gas station but, the only reason I ever go over there is for Lamppost pizza or Home depot.

sperry 2010-01-20 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 144223)
There is now a gas station but, the only reason I ever go over there is for Lamppost pizza or Home depot.

When I said "gas station"... I implied a Chevron or Shell... you know, a place that I'd actually buy gas from.

The only time I'll buy 7-11 gas is when I'm on my way out of town and I know it'll all be burned off in a short time cruising on the freeway.

100_Percent_Juice 2010-01-20 07:28 PM

What's wrong with 7-11 gas?

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