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Dear douchbag in the silver Genesis Coupe
Next time you pull up to the stop sign at Veterans/Steamboat next to 2 other cars that are all already waiting for their turn to go, chances are the car they're waiting on is in the intersection. So you probably shouldn't just roll the sign and pull into the intersection yourself.
But I did enjoy the middle finger you gave me even though you were the one in the wrong. It was pleasant reassurance that you are the douchebag you appear to be, since I've seen you before around south Reno driving too fast and running yellow/red lights at S. Meadows/Double R. When you wrap that car mommy and daddy bought you around a tree I'll just smile and nod, you know, like I did when you were giving me the finger this morning. |
That gaylord almost hit me, and I was already in the intersection before he even got close to the stop line.
That guy totally street raced me once.
In my truck. |
Yeah, but that's a racing truck. It's built for mad drifting, son. Easy mistake to make.
No offense intended to our resident CHP officer who is uber cautious at least when he was nice enough to give me a ride. But not all cops are created equal, and there are bound to be a few that believe they are above the law. Heck, how many times have you been passed by a marked car going at least 5-10 over? As far as I know, unless they are lights and sirens, they have to obey the same traffic laws we do. |
Have you guys seen when the "amber alert" signs on the freeway say, "Report unsafe driving. Dial *NHP"? Does that really work on all cell phones?
This thread is full of win BTW. I'm usually the douchbag on your ass when your going the speed limit in the fast lane of a 4 lane freeway. I need a windshield banner that says, "Hey Ass Face, Slower Traffic Keep Right!". This looks like fun: http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/ele...d138/?cpg=125H |
Oh yah, I think that's what it actually said, now that you mention it.
Really, on that highway, it's rare you need people to move over unless you're going over 90... so the banner was only going to make stupid actions have bigger consequences. |
On a 3+ lane (in one direction), I don't really care so much, as long as there is a path threw the idiots. In fact I like the right lane so I can see up on-ramps in my side mirror. ;)
On 2 or 1 lane in each direction, I am a bit more militant except on 80 over the pass where the right lane sucks. If I am forced to go around the right because somebody won't move over, I will often make a point of moving in front of them after the pass; not too close, but quick enough to remind them that somebody else is on the road. They often get the hint and move over. Nothing pisses me off more than people who do not use turnouts on 1 lane (each direction) roads. With most of the passing lanes having been removed over the years due to idiots failing passes and getting in accidents, I am flashing lights well before each turnout, and if you don't use it, you get the horn on the next one, or first one if long enough. I wish this was enforced more. |
I love it when someone who wont move out of the fast lane, comes across another someone who wont move out of the fast lane. |
Haha, Karma's a bitch.
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