Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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MattR 2003-12-18 06:23 PM

Reminder: Tonight's Meet = Important
Hey Guys, Gift Exchange is On for tongight...Its not too late...pick up something less than $10 for the SECCS gift swap...C'mon, It'll be fun!

Very Important that everyone makes it tonight,...I have news regarding sweatshirts and bank account, Art has news on Stickers, and Scott has news on the website...

I have Received "Charter Member" Dues from The following people:
1/ MikeSti.
2/ Scott Perry
3/ Dean
4/ Debbie ($20 of $50)
5/ Matt

This payment of $50 is designed to get our sweatshirts and stickers made, as well as fund our website server fees. Charter members will get back a Sweatshirt, 4 Stickers, as well as the benefits that go along with our new server, once everything is settled in. I hope that those of you can contribute, for those who don't want to contribute, Sweatshirts and stickers will be available at a later time.

Thanks Everyone, try to make it out to the TIDE tonight.

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