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pomspeed 2011-03-18 10:09 AM

Rallycross Thread
So can I find out how many people on here have tried a rallycross here, or should I start a new thread? I don't see a section for rallycross, but there is some discussion here. I glad to see Reno region is going to do some this year. I'm on the RXB and it's good to see new programs, especially if they're in my area.


Dean 2011-03-18 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by pomspeed (Post 155500)
So can I find out how many people on here have tried a rallycross here, or should I start a new thread? I don't see a section for rallycross, but there is some discussion here. I glad to see Reno region is going to do some this year. I'm on the RXB and it's good to see new programs, especially if they're in my area.


Start a new rallycross thread in this subforum. This thread is supposed to be autocross focused.

Nick Koan 2011-03-18 11:38 AM

Hey, I might as well split this out for some Rallycross discussion.

If you are interested in the local rallycross activities, you can also look at the renoscca forums, where the rallycross forum has a lot of information.

sperry 2011-03-18 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 155507)
Hey, I might as well split this out for some Rallycross discussion.

If you are interested in the local rallycross activities, you can also look at the renoscca forums, where the rallycross forum has a lot of information.

Brent's already on RenoSCCA. So it's probably pertinent to point out to him that most of us here on SECCS are also over there as well. :cool:

A1337STI 2011-03-18 12:31 PM

Here's a video of what our Rain/Muddy runs were like.

not sure if that was me or Jeana driving ...

looks slow but fast enough to win Stock AWD , (through i ran in Mod 4 .. want points in the class my rally car will be in, and Jeana ran in Ladies)

pomspeed 2011-03-18 03:27 PM

Thanks for moving this/starting a new thread for me. So, besides Alex and me, how many people have done a rallycross? When? Where? What kind of car?

MattR 2011-03-18 03:37 PM

Is there an SUV class?

pomspeed 2011-03-18 05:25 PM

Well, they pretty much go into the same class as autocross, mmmm, no. high center of gravity and autocross is about the same as high center of gravity and changing course degradation. They're both rollover things. But we have had a Mini Cooper recently and last year at the Western States in San Diego there was an honest to goodness Porsche GT3.

Matt have you had the chance to do a rallycross anywhere?

MattR 2011-03-18 08:18 PM

No, i haven't. My mini is like 3/4" off the ground right now, so it has a hard time even going over speed bumps, haha. No dirt for the Mini.

My FJ cruiser would be bad ass on a track like Alex showed, but not so safe on a dry course.

pomspeed 2011-03-21 09:25 PM

Ok, the first rallycross at RFR is May 22nd and our next event, which is an SCCA National Challenge, is on May 28th-29th. The beauty of National Challenges is that Subaru has $1800 of contingency money and VW has $900. Not bad for cars that we can drive on the street.

Here's the link to prereg;


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