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100_Percent_Juice 2011-05-20 09:16 AM

Ipod stolen from my car. Help?
So I absolutely never leave my car unlocked. However, last night when I got home with the kids I was carrying a bunch of crap and I guess I didn't press the button all the way to lock. I get up this morning to go grab my ipod that I had left on the front seat and I notice that my driver door isn't pushed in all the way. Sure enough my ipod and ear buds are gone.

I don't really care about the ipod itself as I can probably get another one for under $100. I did however have around 1200 hand picked lossless songs on there. I can't imagine how much time it would take to reload an ipod with what I had.

I am having a hard time trying to understand who would have only stolen my ipod. I had a TON of electronics in the car and nothing was touched but the ipod. I had a wireless radar detector stuck to the window, 2 laptops in the back seat, memory cards just sitting out, my stereo, gauges, etc. As I list that, yes, it was totally stupid to leave all that in the car overnight. However, if you have kids you know how distracting they can be and I had forgotten that it was all still in the car.

I live at the end of a dead end street and my car is always parked on the street under a light post. The fact that nothing else was stolen, not even bluetooth stuff that was right next to the ipod, leaves me to believe that it was a younger kid who swiped it. The person obviously didn't spend time to look around in the car and wasn't a seasoned thief.

So what should I do? Just let it go and feel lucky that nothing else was stolen? I honestly think it was someone close on the street and I have no problem going door to door and saying " just wanted to give you a heads up that something was stolen out of my car so keep everything locked up... oh yeah and can you check your kids crap for my ipod?"

Obviously you can tell I'm irritated, otherwise I would not have spent the time to type this. I know that many of you have had way more stolen. Advice??

Dean 2011-05-20 09:35 AM

Bummer, but yeah, at least the rest isn't gone, could have been a very expensive lesson.

If you had it AAC lossless, is it not somewhere on one of your PCs somewhere? Just sync to a new one with iTunes... I have a ton of stuff in FLAC and HQ MP3 if you don't.

I can help with another iPod too. :)

sperry 2011-05-20 09:52 AM

Sounds like the same deal with whoever broke into my truck about 3 years back. Took my iPod, my CDs, and my Garmin nav, left the V1 and stereo, etc.

At least you can recover your songs, as they're all backed up on itunes. With my CDs gone, all I have left from 20 years of music are the crappy 128 lossy MP3s in itunes. I never got around to resampling from my CDs in lossless. :(

If you find the punk, punch them an extra time for me.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-05-20 11:36 AM

I didn't have any of it backed up because I got a new HDD. I was going to use idump to back the entire thing last week but I figured there was no rush to do it. :rolleyes:

BOO 2011-05-20 11:38 AM

Wow, that sucks Juice. Sorry to hear :( I hope you find whom ever it was. Sperry I remember reading about your person as well. No respect nowadays, it's sad..

ScottyS 2011-05-20 01:08 PM

I had my meter change stolen and the seat reclined like they slept the night in it. I figured they needed the drug money more than I did. And it proves that '03 Bugeye seats are the most comfortable for skinny crackheads.

cody 2011-05-20 01:10 PM

Any file that only exists on one drive is a very vulnerable file. Sucks you got bit when we all neglect to backup as much as we should. Just pirate everything you lost.

A1337STI 2011-05-20 02:45 PM

super Crappy.

sounds like a Thrill Criminal. some teenager , stealing someone from your car to show off to his buddies on how much of an asshole he is. and then his buddy will try to one up him and prove that no someone else is an even bigger asshole.

and or something happened that caused them to panic ?

at any rate. it still sucks ass, but at least they didn't steal everything.

Dean 2011-05-20 03:26 PM

On a side note, and not that it helps any, but if you used iTunes to rip them and encode to AAC lossless, they are not really lossless. iTunes has a fairly poor ripper that is far from accurate or lossless. EAC (Exact Audio Copy) is still the best ripper by a large margin.

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