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Ms Heatha 2011-07-05 11:28 AM

Knuckle Issue?
Hey guys! Havent been on the forums for a while, but I am completely stumped. I replaced the rear wheel bearings on my car. The RR hub was also replaced due to carelessness upon removal. But with that said, the wheel and hub are still loose and wobbley. My co-worker and I thought by chance that the bearing was wrong, so we got a new one. Still moves. So after two new wheel bearings and a hub, how practical is it to think the knuckle is bad? Or would it be coincidence that we could have the wrong bearing...again?:?: I know its the right hub. Help me please! Thanks!

bluestreak 2011-07-05 02:52 PM

A very similar thing happened to me a few weeks ago. Kspeed helped me out; they found that the replacement hub had a different depth on the splines and the axle would not seat properly. I believe that they had to get a knuckle from Subaru for a legacy or something to get it to work correctly.

A1337STI 2011-07-05 03:32 PM

So you replaced the wheel bearing , putting a new bearing into a used or new hub?

I've got a spare RR hub , its currently Drum (you can convert them from Drum to Hub)

BTW , speaking of that did you keep your old Hub?

you can borrow my RR Hub to try and diagnosis your problems. I also have spare rear half shafts , if a bearing goes out bad enough it can damage a half shaft too .

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