A1337STI |
2011-07-13 01:39 PM |
1st place AWD for North nevada Rally!
:D yeppers, i got 1st place for awd for the NNR. i actually lost to a 2wd car for the overall win though :lol: he beat me by 2 minutes friday night. i beat him by 40 or 50 seconds Saturday.
I was on worn out tires for most of friday, and i have cheap lights. But really i could have won Friday night with what i had, i just under performed (oh well it happens)
I got 5th OA friday night, 2nd in class, 45:00 class winner had a 45:54 :eek: I won 3 stages, he won 3 stages, we tied 2 stages. very close battle friday night.
Saturday i ran away with it. 2nd OA and first in my class. I only lost overall to an E85 open class STI. one of the stages i was only 1 second off from his time. think he got me by almost 3 minutes at the end of the 80 miles. :lol: it was a LOT of fun.
videos up are on youtube, linked to renoscca.org : http://www.renoscca.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1216