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Old 2007-07-02, 11:15 AM   #9
MPREZIV's Avatar
Real Name: Le Stig Afrique?
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: sitting next to a big yellow box
Posts: 3,589
Car: 2001 Impreza 2.5 RS
Class: 05 TDSP
No, I won't work on your car. F* your car

No, Pete actually HELPED! It was a bit of a bitch getting the main hoop in, until we figured which direction it goes in through the doors. It was nice having an extra pair of hands to be sure I didn't slip and bust out my windshield!

Scott, that would be awesome! I can def. use some of the more dense padding up on the top. How thick is the padding you got? And I'll have to check with Keoni and see when we could do that clutch...
"...these condoms have a topical anesthetic to reduce sensitivity, so you can last longer. What a paradox. You can't feel a thing, but you can f*ck for HOURS..."
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