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Old 2007-07-30, 10:01 AM   #1
Candy Mountain
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Default WTB: Stock Wagon Struts (preferably blown)

I don't have the stock struts that came on my car but I figure I'll put my feelers out for a set to install Koni Inserts into if I can find them for dirt cheap. Ideally they would be worn out and real cheap since I would hack them up and put Koni Inserts in them.

If you only have only the fronts I still might be interested. I'd really prefer that they'd be from a wagon, but if you're giving some sedan ones away, I'll take them instead.

Edit: I've learned recently that the MY 02-03 spring perches are a touch wider plus they require the "washer mod" in order to use the Post-Bugeye tophats I run. That said, I really am looking for stock MY 04-07 wagon struts.
Slow and low, that is the tempo.

Last edited by cody; 2008-02-21 at 08:26 AM.
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