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Old 2007-07-30, 10:56 AM   #6
The Doink
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Originally Posted by cody View Post
Yah, but then I have to go to stiffer springs right? I can't use the Crucials with your housings correct?
You won't need stiffer springs if you're rebuilding the struts for soft springs. But the perches will be 2.5" ID, so the Crucial springs won't work unless you weld on a stock perch somehow (in which case don't bother).

My point was simply that I've got a set of Koni's with G/C perches I'll hook you up with for cheap. I can't imagine rebuilding these things won't save you a bunch over the cost of buying used struts, gutting them and installing new Koni inserts. You should be able to set these things up with the same spring rates (and even progressive rates if you do helper springs) and ride height as the Crucial/Koni inserts, plus have the option for height adjustability and stiffer springs in the future.

Just an offer, I realize it's out of line with your original plan.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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