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Old 2007-08-14, 08:50 AM   #13
The Doink
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Originally Posted by EQ Tuning View Post
I wasn't aware of a deal like that so its definitely something to think about. I'd be happy to do tuning on a track if the customer is willing to pay for it. The only issue I see is being out there for 20 minutes at a time would not make for a very efficient use of tuning time and would add complexity to the already somewhat hectic day. So far none of my customers have expressed the desire to tune on a track, but if someone does I'd be happy to explore that option. It would certainly be nice to have the comfort of a closed track, although we're always very careful about the roads and areas we use for road tuning and thankfully that hasn't been an issue to date.

-- Ed
The sessions are 20 minutes long assuming there are multiple groups there. When I was at the track Sunday morning, I could go out whenever I wanted since I was literally the only one there for TnT. When the bikes showed up around noon, we split into 20 minute sessions.

I would guess if you told the track you've got 5 people or something, you could work out a tuning schedule where you get a block of time for each car.
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