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Old 2007-08-27, 10:49 AM   #336
JonnydaJibba's Avatar
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Master Slurper.

That stinks! I think my Xbox might be starting to crap out too. I dunno if it's just the game (doubtful) but when I have been playing in the last few days it skips or pauses like crazy. Like every 10 seconds or so it will pause for like a second or two. Then sometimes it runs fine. At least we have a 3 year warranty now. My buddies FOURTH Xbox crapped out on him on Thursday. When he called to tell them they keep sending him broken Xboxes and that he wants his money back or to speak to somebody higher they just say "Sorry, we don't do anything like that." Whatta load.
"Why do chicks tell you to call and then not gay." "Cuz girls are fags I dunno"
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