Originally Posted by Jesubi11
well said sir... here is my libral ass chart
Oh yah I’m a godless heathen to.
Actually the "godless" comment is probably the biggest piece of the gay marriage issue. Lots of people oppose gay marriage because their religion opposes it.
IMO, that's perfectly acceptable. Religion is supposed to be separate from government. As far as religions are concerned, there's nothing stopping a church from setting their own rules for marriage. My issue is when those religious rules are enacted in law regarding the civil aspect of marriage.
Marriage is not just a religious ceremony, it's also a civil union, and I have an issue with placing restrictions on a government program (as it were) based on sexual preference. That's plain old discrimination, IMO. So, it's fine if a church wants to say "we won't marry gay couples, and we won't recognize gay marriages", but any two people should always be allowed to get married at the courthouse and receive all the rights and benefits of being a legally married couple, regardless of sex, creed, color, etc.