Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey
Forget gay rights, I'm astonished that pretty much the entire republican slate has been all for wiretapping without warrants, detention without due process of law, torturing captives... pretty much ignoring the bill of rights whenever the federal government deems it "necessary". All in the name of Fighting The Terrorists! What. The. Fuck? A War On Terror is by definition a war without end, and war is the quickest way possible to consolidate the power of the state and take away individual liberties.
This mentality will be the death of our republic. Mark my words. It won't all come crashing down tomorrow, or next week, or even 10 years from now, but it will happen eventually. The pieces are being set in place.
And no one seems to notice that less government control/involvement is supposed to be the backbone of Republican policies.
It's scary when the Democrats are the voices of reason when it comes to government respect of individual rights.