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Old 2007-09-21, 09:25 AM   #14
left footed whooten
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Real Name: Dylan
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Truckee
Posts: 539
Car: 06 WRX wagon CGM
Class: Stuck working weekends

Yeah, see the gummi worm thing is what I don't want, especially since we never know if winter will be snowy or not. Who knows how much snow we'll actually get. I'm hoping for realistic prices on the hakka RSi/ WR/ WRG2...we'll see. The other common ones are ~$115's to $140's already, so hopefully these will fall within this range.

I plan on driving to Yosemite frequently this winter (down 80 to 99 then in to the hwy 120 west entrance) so well rounded but very able in the snow is my goal. The RSi's are supposed to be good and low noise for the type of tire....or tyre.
I'd rather drink muddy water and sleep in a hollow log
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