Thread: New Wal-mart
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Old 2004-01-23, 07:07 PM   #19
warehouse SECCS
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Not to long ago I had prescribed to the theory that life and relationships and everyday fodder could be explained by way of careful examination. Why is everyone so cruel, so greedy, so power hunger, so boring? Often I would turn to what were at hand; my textbooks. One tremendous thinker Adam Smith, theorized that the economy and the pursuit of happiness lay in each of the people. He went as far as to say that each person trying to maximize their happiness would ultimately lead to the good of society. Of course this used to make a lot of sense and sounded generally applicable. Now that I’m a stout 24 and basically a contributing member of society I can actually have a perspective(yeah).

As Scott pointed out in his post the basic driving force to most of the economical and even inner happiness we all want is unfortunately based on a finite amount of resources. I can side with Scott on his doom and gloom view. Because most of our happiness is driven by goods and services it can only get worse. As items become more scarce(more expensive) more and more of the world will be unable to keep up with the inflation rate of happiness. Even as Austin sites that alternative fuels maybe a viable scenario the fact of our greediness has pervaded every facet of our lives doesn’t bode well for any fuel source. We will simply get used to the new source maximize the potential and yearn for more. I can even see that with new Technology new kinds of greed will emerge and further degrade our planet. Cell Phones are a decent example it’s getting to the point that if you want any kind of success in your life you must have a cellular phone. Sucking up our money and sending potentially cancerous waves into our brains; “dude check out my new phone, it surfs the web, take pictures, plays music, feeds my dog, and RUNS my life.”

Seems like a fundamental change in thinking is along way off. I always picture those cool ultra-futuristic films where everyone is dressed in earthen pastels, the lamp shades are made of metal and sunglasses are really cool. They always make it look peaceful and boring and no one is really doing anything. Right now in 2003 it seems like everyone has to be doing everything all the time.
Anjali? Anjali?

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