2007-10-08, 06:20 PM
The Doink
Real Name: Scott
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 20,335
Car: '09 OBXT, '02 WRX, '96 Miata
Class: PDX/TT-6
The way out is through
Originally Posted by wrxkidid
Theres also BCWRT but youd have to take it up with Cory...
First, if someone has a hookup to offer, please let *them* offer it. Telling person A, "oh dude, person B totally has the hookup on that" isn't fair to person B, as it puts them in the position to offer something to someone they may not be willing/able to offer. If you see that person A would benefit from person B's help, tell person B in a PM about person A and let them make the offer at their discretion. Basically, if the hookup isn't yours to offer, don't offer it for someone else.
And I don't mean to single you out Robbie. People in general around here have been disregarding this more and more frequently lately.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?