Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
No, it won't give you "oversteer" but that's not actually what you're looking for anyway. don't listen to the dweebs on the internet who think you solve understeer (a front end grip issue) by reducing grip at the rear end.
Now, a rear sway bar is a good mod but it will NOT suddenly transform your car into an awesome corner carver. It just helps a bit. The real solution to your ishty stock handling is proper springs, or better yet coilovers.
In fact, counterintuitively, a stiffer front bar also tends to help understeer due to the better dynamic camber on the front end.
The general rule of thumb, if the car pushes add front grip, if the car's loose, add rear grip. Taking away traction is what you do when you've tried everything else. 'Course, on a street car, there aren't a ton of things to try...