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Old 2007-11-05, 11:02 AM   #1
Seņor Cheap Bastarde
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Default Wanted: AGP video card from this century?

This thread's only purpose other than looking for a video card is to amuse Austin.

Sue brought her PC up this weekend so I could take a look at why it is "slow".

Well, it only has 512mb memory of which 128 is being used by the on-board video. Wonder if running XP in 384MB with a system tray full of icons and a fragmented HD could be an issue.

Going to throw another 512MB of PC3200 in but was wondering if anybody had a spare remotely recent AGP card lying around for her. The only spare AGP cards I have are from 1999 and before. Doesn't have to run Vista or anything, just be faster than a a 1999 ATI Rage Pro.

I am a Commodore PET --- Now get off my lawn you kids...

Last edited by Dean; 2007-11-05 at 11:06 AM.
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