Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
You're confused. Meeting people in a parking lot didn't make you not a snake. It was a preexisting condition which was not corrected.
Trust me I'm not the one who's confused.
I know all of this stems from all the BS that went on with S^2. I believe considering that that shop went out of business, blew up motors, and owe people money and parts proved my point clearly. So its only natural for the same people who gave me all the shit back then and are apparently still butt hurt about it to start making up rumors and lies about me in the same fashion. Oh well, this isn't anything new with you guys... I just thought you might grow up with time. No need to like me personally but I really thought we'd be past these childish rumors and crap talking.
In all honesty I could care less... I have a lot of very happy customers all over the country. Many of my customers have been to several other tuners in the past and choose to continue working with me for a reason. I'm not looking to get your business, I honestly don't need or want it. I was just hoping we were past this kind of BS.
-- Ed