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Old 2007-11-15, 07:07 PM   #79
Bob Danger
Tape Terrorist
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Ok get ready for this....

Originally Posted by IheartSTI View Post
Bob is speaking about me. I thought i would tell everyone about myself to clear up confusion. I am Sam Marson and my father is Dave Marson. I was raised in an upper class family who is privileged by God to have the success our family has. My father has not made the best choices along like ALL other human beings. I don not think any of us will disagree. He did by me the car and it has been our ongoing project together. yes together. i am guilty of street racing in my past and i do believe it is stupid and irresponsible. Yes I am guilty of being a kid. Bob is a friend of mine so i do not want to "bash" him for this post. he is entitled to his opinion like this group should be entitled to the facts. when bob posted this I was in FACT living in beautiful sandpoint Idaho. FACT... my car still only has minor motor mods which do not produce anywhere near 400 wheel horse power. What was said was said and i am not mad about anyone "bashing" on me because it was produced from an untrue statement. I believe seccs is a great club with some great people; however, I do not think it is appropriate to "bash" on ANYONE you do not know. I was young with some karting experience yes... its true this does not mean i am a good driver although being a 16 year old male does not make me a bad driver. I am sorry this drama has to be even talked about especially years later but this is my name and i will stand up for it. I would love for anyone in this great club to get to know the real Sam Marson and if then you decide you do not like my values as a person you can "bash" me if you want. thanks
If my information was incorrect I apologize for my libel.

Originally Posted by lethalpressure
I'm just confused as to who had an eleven second nova...
Surely not the 32 y/o repo guy that lived with his parents
I forget who the hell that was, but I'm sure, like most stories, it was exaggerated.

Originally Posted by lethalpressure
Bob, where's my twenty bucks, slacker.
Every time I'm in Carson, which is every other month maybe, I drive by your house but I never see any lights on, but no I have not forgotten.

Originally Posted by lethalpressure
Anyways, I was talking to Ben the other day about the time-machine/miscarriage comment. Was that you who said it Bob?
Yes it was, and it went like this, "I'm going to build a time machine, just so I can go back, and punch your mom in the stomach while she was pregnant with you."

And Tim stop eating my ties asshole!
A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi.
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