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Old 2007-11-27, 04:27 PM   #5
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"Kids are ruining autocross."

There are plenty of ideas left in video games. . . but the catch is that they have to release lots of mainstream crap to be able to fund the odd original IP that only the intelligent minority of gamers will purchase.

Katamari Damacy was very original. Assassin's Creed also comes to mind as a more recent game that was based on an original premise. At least, I'd never seen anything else like it. Also stuff like Half-Life, Animal Crossing, Shadow of the Colossus, and Eternal Darkness.

As far as recent movies go, I was very impressed by both The Prestige and Babel.

I never watch TV, though - just dvds. But I do buy the Simpsons dvds as they release.
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