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Old 2007-12-14, 08:44 PM   #4
Nick Koan
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
... I see you online, but you're not at your desk!

How'd you get the hell outta here... I've got nothing to do, and yet I'm still sitting on my ass at work! Also, today is the longest day in the history of me being at IGT... nothing to do, and only 1 hour before I start my 16 days of vacation.
In the scrum today, I asked Tom if I could take the day off since I wasn't feeling tip-top and cause there was really nothing to do.

I left shortly thereafter, and spent the whole day playing videogames and napping.

EDIT: Which was really good because I haven't really been sleeping well this past week. I thought I was over this cold, but this nasty cough has been staying around for a while. I think it finally went away *knocks on wood* after just relaxing today.
While a standard engine is powered by a belt connected to the crankshaft, a turbo engine runs on its own exhaust steam, making it more energy efficient. -- CNN

Last edited by Nick Koan; 2007-12-14 at 09:04 PM.
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