Help me with the club trial rule? wanna play
I will do the PDX next year for sure but I might just try some Club Trial too. I have some thing that I want to do to my car but not sure about the rules. I have copy 2007 GCR but still confused. Do we use Auto-x class rules because I can't find Club Trial Rule only Production (EP, FP, GP, HP) and Showroom Stock (SSB, SSC) classes. I search the old SCCA web and saw that we have TT class.
My car '06 S2000. I just install SCCA approved 4 points Roll Bars.
1.) Where? When? can I get this bar Stamp & Certified to be SCCA legal.
I want to use old '01 stock rim ('01 is 16" vs 17" for '06) for cheaper DOT race tires and smaller circumference for faster acceleration.
2.) What class do I running.
Also want to install KW coil over V2 = no external reservoirs or V3 = with it.
3.) What class do I running.
Any suggestions welcome.